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carefully pick up a small colony of bacteria from the plate with an inoculation loop and streak out a fresh medium containing plate

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Q: How do you isolate the bacteria from mixed culture which contains Fungus?
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What did Alexandra Fleming discover and how?

His name was Alexander, not Alexandra . . . he accidentally discovered that a type of fungus would kill bacteria when he accidentally got a bit of bread mold on a culture dish that had a good growth of bacteria on it. The mold killed the bacteria! When this type of fungus was refined, it became the active ingredient of the antibiotic, "Penicillin".

How are fungus cells difforent from bacteria cells?

Fungus cells are eukariyotic cells. Bacteria have prokariyotic cells

What is a skin culture?

A skin culture is a test that is done to identify the microorganism (bacteria, fungus, or virus) causing a skin infection and to determine the antibiotic or other treatment that will effectively treat the infection.

Why is bacteria not a fungus?

Because bacteria lack a nucleus.

What fungus produces a substance that can kill bacteria?

One fungus that produces an antibiotic and will kill some bacteria is Penicillium.

What bacteroa-killing fungus did Fleming isolate in his 1928 experiment?


Is potato blight a bacteria fungus or virus?

Potato blight is a fungus.

What kind of fungus is Staphylococcus aureus?

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria, not a fungus.

What are the decomposer of the everglades?

fungus and bacteria

What is a fungus that kills strep throat bacteria?

Name of that fungus is penicillium notatum. Sir Alexander Fleming discovered the antibacterial property of this fungus in 1928. Penicillin is extracted from this fungus, which kills the strep throat causing bacteria.

Is mold a bacteria or posion?

it is a bacteria because it got fungus and piceses in it.