

How do you keep the weight of after you lose it?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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dont eat anything but a cube of cheese when you feel as if you are about to faint

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13y ago
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Q: How do you keep the weight of after you lose it?
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It is usually safe to lose weight rapidly, but it is not always effective over the long term. To lose weight and keep it off, follow an exercise program and sensible diet.

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What are you're suggestiong for a long term diet plan to lose weight?

The best way to lose weight and keep it off long term is to diet and exercise. You have to keep with your program and not stop once the weight you want is off. It doesn't matter what you do as long as it is healthy and you keep doing it.

Are there any healthy diet plans to lose weight that also help you keep the weight off?

It seems to me you don't need another diet plan as you have demonstrated you can lose weight when you have to. You might want to see a counselor first to find out why you are unable to keep the weight off permanently.

Can your lose weight in two days im a 13 year old?

No. It maybe hard, but if you keep eating healthy and exercise you will eventually lose weight. There are no shortcuts.

Is there any way to lose fat quick and keep it off?

People who lose weight quickly are not very likely to keep it off. This is because they haven't learned the skills to maintain their weight in that short period of time.

Can you lose weight and keep it off?

put more bleach down the toilet

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How can I get motivated to lose weight?

To get motivated to lose weight, you could make a promise to someone; someone that you wouldn't want to let down or disappoint. By promising this person that you'll lose x amount of pounds by a set date, you will be motivated to not only lose weight, but to keep your word.