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Well First You Both Have To Turn Your Heads The The Right But Your Right Or Both Of Your Lefts Eather One.... Than Move In So The Lips Meet Than Slowly Start Moving Your Lips Than Start Puting Your Tounge In The Other Person's Mouth But Avoid The Washing Machine... Than Start To Grab On Each Other Than The Girl Puts There Fingers In The Boys Hair Than Just Go All The Way Out The Hair Also Than Your Done But Take Longer Than 15 Seconds Than Move Out From The Kiss/Makeout....

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13y ago
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16y ago

You do not need to make contact with your lips, If you look at her just right she will know what you mean.

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12y ago

Do what your heart wants. The heart is always right.

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13y ago

Your best bet may be to draw a kiss on a piece of paper and pass her a note, or blow her a kiss at recess.

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13y ago

Like you would kiss any body els !

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Q: How do you kiss your girfriend if you only see her at middle school and the teachers have rules about no PDA?
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