

How do you know bread has molded?

Updated: 11/18/2022
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12y ago

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You can see the green, gray or black mold on the bread.

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Q: How do you know bread has molded?
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Can you eat bread that is not molded but there's some mold in the bag?

no because the mold might have affected the bread.

How dangerous is it eat molded bread that has been toasted?

you can get sick; very

Can you sue a restaurant for serving you molded bread?

Yes, you may have grounds for a lawsuit against a restaurant if they served you molded bread as it can be considered a health code violation and a breach of their duty to provide safe food. You would need to provide evidence of the moldy bread and any resulting harm or damages to support your case. It is advisable to seek legal advice from a professional specializing in food safety or personal injury law.

Can bread mold make you sick?

you will get sick weather you dont want to but if you eat the molded bread you will be throwing up and way worse.

If you touch molded bread and you wash your hands will you still get sick?

Moldy bread doesn't make you sick - even if you accidently eat some of it.

Will eating a whole piece of molded wheat bread make you sick?

It could. That would depend upon the mold and your sensitivities.

Do microbes in bread make you ill?

It would be very unusual to get sick from any microbes found in bread. The yeasts that cause bread to rise are not toxic or harmful in any way. If a loaf of bread were badly spoiled and moldy, it would not be healthy, but it isn't likely anyone would eat badly molded bread.

What colour is molded bread?

Bread mould is different depending on the type of bread and the thickness to it. If you have soft sandwich bread the mould is darker. If you have thick and hard bread the mould is more likely to be quite lighter. It all has to do with where it is stored and the amount of oxygen left in the bread bag

Why does wheat bread mold faster than other breads?

If in your experiment, whole wheat bread has molded faster than other breads, you should look at the ingredients used to make the bread and the processing conditions where the bread was produced. The wheat bread could have been exposed to more mold to begin with or the other breads may have used mold inhibitors.

President George W Bush molded his presidential style after?

????dont know???what do you mean????????