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Q: How do you know if a molecule has partial charges?
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What struggle produces the partial negative and partial positive charges on a water molecule?

The water molecule has a partial negative and partial positive charge because it is a polar molecule. Electrostatic attraction between the partial negative and partial positive molecules gives the water molecule its partial charge.

What is polar in chemestry?

An atom or a molecule which has charge or a bond where the two atoms have partial charges.

How can be partial charges be shown in a polar covalent molecule?

Usually in electron-dot diagrams, partical charges are shown by the lower case delta

What charges does a polar molecule have on opposite ends?

A polar molecule doesn't necessarily have any overall charge. All polar means is that one part of the molecule has a negative charge and another part of the same molecule has a positive charge. These charges balance. When the charges don't balance and there is a net charge, it is referred to as an ion. An example of a polar molecule is fluoro-methane, or CH3F. The fluorine attracts the electrons in the bond a lot harder than carbon. so the fluorine has a negative charge while the carbon atom ends up with a positive charge.

Why are polar covalently bonded molecules soluble in water and non polar are not?

Water is a polar covalent molecule. The partial charges in the molecule attract other charges, ionic or more partial charges from other covalent molecules and dissolves them. Nonpolar bonded molecules have no partial charges and the water molecules will attract each other thus not attracting the nonpolar and does not dissolve them.

Characteristics for polar and nonpolar molecues?

Polar molecules have separation of charges .ie. they have a partial positive and partial negative charges on molecule as in water . Non polar molecules e.g.methane has no separation of positive and negative charges as difference of electronegativity in C and H is very small .

Li-Br is it an atom molecule or ion?

It is a molecule, atoms are only of one type and though both have partial charges due to the way the bond is formed they are not ions in this state.

What are the partial charges in a water molecule?

The Oxygen molecule and Hydrogen molecules have different electronegativity (due to position on Periodic Table). As Oxygen is more electronegative it draws the negatively charged electrons towards itself. This makes the hydrogen atoms more positive and hence the partial charges.

Molecule with a positive end and a negative end?

Polar molecules have partial negative and partial positive charges on opposing sides. They have a net dipole as a result of the opposing charges.

Is C H ionic or covalent bond?

No. A hydrogen bond occurs when H is bonded to a strongly electronegative element like oxygen in a compound. The oxygen attracts the electrons in the bond stronger than the hydrogen setting up partial positive and partial negative charges in the H and O respectively in a single molecule. A nearby molecule with the same charges will be attracted (opposites attract, even with these partial charges.) This attraction from one molecule to another is a hydrogen bond because it involves the hydrogen atom with a partial positive charge.

What is a molecule that has a partial positive charge on one end and a partial negative charge on the other?

A polar molecule...such as water. The oxygen molecules pulls the electrons closer, causing the oxygen to have a more negative charge and the two hydrogen atoms to have more positive charges. this is very important in the bonding of water molecules to other water molecules.

What is a molecule that has a partial positive charge on one end a partial negative charge on the other?

This is a polar molecule.