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you know that two atoms are the same element if they have the same atomic number,

aka number of protons in the nucleus.

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Q: How do you know if two atoms are from the same element?
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How do we know if two atoms of the same element?

The number of protons.

How is it possible for two different atoms to have the same atomic mass?

They would have to be atoms of the same element, and the same isotope of that element.

If two elements have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons can they be atoms of the same element.?

Yes. If two atoms have the same number of protons then by definition they are the same element.

Why is the covalent between two atoms of the same element a non polar bond?

A nonpolar covalent bond between two atoms of the same element occurs when they have the same electronegativity, leading to equal sharing of electrons. This results in a symmetrical distribution of charge, making the bond nonpolar.

Is the two atoms have same atomic radius?

Not necessarily. The atomic radius of an element is determined by the size of the atom's electron cloud. While atoms of the same element would typically have the same atomic radius, atoms of different elements can vary in size due to differences in their electron configurations and the number of protons in their nuclei.

Two atoms are isotopes of the same element which should be the same for these two atoms?

The number of protons in the nucleus is the same for both isotopes since they are of the same element. Isotopes of the same element have the same number of protons (which determines the element) but a different number of neutrons, leading to a difference in atomic mass.

Are two atoms that have the same number of protons the same element?

Yes. The number of protons defines the element.

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The oxygen molecule is made of two atoms of oxygen bonded together (O2).

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The number of Neutrons -Apex