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If, when you honestly want to quit (quit means stop for good), you find that you cannot or if when drinking you have little control over the amount you take, then you are probably alcoholic. When you don't drink are you irritable, restless, discontented? In other words,m do you feel worse without it that with it? Alcoholism has nothing to do with how much you drink. If you spend more time drinking than at work or home if your 2nd address is the bar. If your friends come looking for you after you get off work and go straight to the bar. if you spend more money on drinking than your rent Answer If you ask the question, you probably are to one degree or another (and there are degrees). There are a number of tests you can take confidentially available over the net, but it boils down to this: Is drinking negatively effecting your life (family, work, friendships, etc.)? Once you have a drink, do you tend to have a second, or more? If you haven't had your first drink of the day, are you planning it, or looking forward to it? Many people who contact AA aren't sure - though they are concerned enough to ask the question. Try calling AA in your area - they will help you to decide in a confidential way and without asking you for any commitment. You do not have to be an alcoholic to 'join'. The ONLY requirement for full membership is a desire to stop drinking. Good Luck! Answer: Brett Gyllenskog is an alcoholic. Others can only identify alcoholic behavior. However, as with any addiction, if drinking is causing problems in your life -- from just feeling lousy when you aren't drinking, to family issues, to DUIs, jail, etc. -- and you feel as though you have to keep on doing it anyway...well....

Most people don't voluntarily continue to do things that cause trouble for them. When we do, we need to examine our reasons.

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