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Let's focus on the beafy part of the question, eating disorder. When I think of eating disorder, I think of the singer from the Carpenters. She died from Anorexia. And then there's the opposite, called Bulimia nervosa. I'm sure there's a whole sluthe of other disorders out there relating the the *eating* aspect of the digestive system.

So ask yourself this. No, seriously go find yourself the thinking cap. Can't find it, huh? Been awhile? Don't remember where you used it last or left it? Please, don't tell me you don't own one...tisk, tisk, tisk.

Have you observed the dog admiring itself in any reflection and then look displeased? Or have you observed the dog going to the bathroom, close the door, and make disgusting sounds behind the door, and then hear the toilet flush to remove all evidence of what it has done...because he sure ain't doing it in front of you. Because if you feed the dog a meal, and it devours it and then goes outside, or maybe even wherever you are at, and pukes, and then eats it again....oh, wait that's getting me confused...I thought that was normal dog again...vomit...more guilt...

Is the dog guilty for eating?

Man, fork out the bucks and treat the animal with respect and see a vet. Don't be cheap. Heck, go spend the big bucks, and see a trained doggy psychologist...not psychiatrist, as they will administer drugs for want to spend as much money as possible at this point, because of the guilt you may be externalizing upon the dog from your own problems of eating...Doggy see...doggy doo doo

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12y ago

Your dog's eating habits would change and your dog would stop playing with toys and would just sleep all day.

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12y ago

Take it to the vets, thats your best option, don't risk anything.

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sry i do not know the answer

Where can one find the eating disorder center?

The first tip would be to speak to your doctor. Only your doctor will know for sure if you have an eating disorder. If you are diagnosed with an eating disorder, your doctor can recommend some treatment centers in your area.

Why would a dog have bad smelling diarreah?

From eating food that dogs should not be eating. Or a stomach/intestinal tract infection/disorder.

Why is it considered an eating disorder?

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Why is it considered eating disorder?

Why is what considered an eating disorder

Can you have an eating disorder without knowing trying to?

Can you have an eating disorder without knowing: yes Can you have an eating disorder without trying: yes Eating disorders are mental illnesses, not weight-loss aids, people don't develop an eating disorder on purpose. Often they won't know or believe that they are ill, which makes them difficult to treat. I don't know if this is what you were asking, the question is quite vague. So if this doesn't answer your question feel free to clarify.

What are three types of eating disorders?

Binge disorder, compulsive eating disorder, anorexia? i know for sure the first two ar correct.

Which term describe an eating disorder that is characterized by binge eating?

An eating disorder with binge eating is bulimia nervosa.

How do you no if you have a eating disorder?

You won't really know if you have an eating disorder. The only way you could tell was to talk to about it to your doctor or someone who knows about eating habits. If your eating something and you don't feel hungry then your just eating out of habit. It's not a good habit so try breaking it!

What is potenialy fatal eating disorder?

Any eating disorder can be fatal is the eating habit is continued for a prolonged period of time. One in five people who have an eating disorder, die from it.

Who many men in the world have an eating disorder?

Tharun Rameshbabu has an eating disorder

Why did demi have an eating disorder?

Demi had an eating disorder because she was bullied and depressed.