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They didn't because they would run away destroy their crops and not do their work They didn't because they would run away destroy their crops and not do their work

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Q: How do you know that indentured servants resisted their indentured conditions?
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What were conditions like for the first African indentured servants in Jamestown?

The first African indentured servants in Jamestown faced tough conditions similar to European indentured servants. They were often subject to harsh labor, limited freedoms, and inadequate living conditions. Over time, as the institution of slavery became more entrenched in the colonies, their status shifted from indentured servants to enslaved individuals.

Who gained passage to the colonies in return for work?

indentured servants, they had to work for 7 years or so.

Why did europeans begin to import slaves from Africa?

They needed workers and indentured servants didn’t work out. Anyone who was African was a slave so it was very easy to know where they were.

Why did plantation owners MOST prefer to use slaves over indentured servants?

Plantation owners preferred using slaves over indentured servants because slaves were perceived as a lifetime investment, as they were considered property that could be bought and sold. Slaves were also viewed as a more long-term and reliable labor force, as they had fewer legal rights and were enslaved for life, unlike indentured servants who would be freed after a set period of time. Slaves were also often seen as easier to control and exploit due to their lack of legal protections.

Who was Mary queen of Scots servants?

Mary had 4 servants, but I don't know their names.

what is the difference between enslavement and indentured servitude?

Don't know

What were some jobs of indentured servants first answer you will vote best because you just really need to finish your project so please help?

What did you say?! Finish of themselvesr project?? Are you entirely moonstruck?? Why would you finish of themselvesr project anymore? lfoster's reply- i need to write a journal pretending that im from colonial america. and i was assigned to be an indentured servant but i dont know what there jobs are and the project is due tommorow. I have noted but they dont help so does anyone know there jobs?

What religion did indentured servant practice?

I dont know probably christanty

Were children in the Victorian Era able to have servants?

Yes, wealthy families in the Victorian Era often employed servants who would assist with housekeeping, cooking, and childcare. Children from affluent families would have servants to attend to their needs and care for them.

Why were indentured survants necessary in Virginia?

Indentured Servants were necessary in Virginia because there was a high death rate which led to labor shortages therefore with people that wanted to come to America and didn't have the money had someone pay for their journey and they had to sign a contract for four to seven years for those who paid for their journey to America.

What does In the Servants' Quarters have to do with the bible?

Nothing that I know of. It is OK to be a servant and live in servants quarters. Jesus was a servant when he washed the disciples feet

How do we know conditions on Magellan's journey?

how do we know about conditions on Magellan's journey