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Q: How do you know when a monkey puzzle seed is viable?
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Where can you buy commercial quantities of Araucaria Monkey Puzzle Tree seed?

Hawaii, Lanai

Is sweet corn viable maize seed?

Yes, it is a seed that can be kept over time.

Can a seed be viable and dormant at the same time?

Yes, seed can be viable and dormant at a same time because dormancy is natural and physiological but temporary barrier for seed germination while non-vaibility is permanent unability of seed germination.

Is apple seed living or non living?

A viable apple seed is alive. If you plant it, it will grow.

Can you plant Marijuana seed in potting soil and just grow them like regular plants?

Yes, if the seed is viable.

What is the oldest seed on earth?

The oldest seed on earth is unknown but the oldest viable seed found is a narrow-leafed Campion seed that dates back about 31,000 years. This seed was found frozen.

How long can an Indian Lotus tree seed remain viable?

block answering

Where to get actual germinating seed from banana tree?

Tou wont get viable seed from a banana plant you require to divide the plants to propagate.

How do you get the seeds out of a monkey puzzle tree seed pod?

Very carefully. When they fall from the tree, they are very green and it is difficult to separate the seeds from the spiked "Hand Grenade" cone. Let them age for couple of weeks in a dry spot. You will be left with brownish to black cone which separates more easily. The seed is in a fibrous covering. I use small needle nose pliers, grip on each side and pull. You decide if it is worth the effort. The Chilean folks of days ago must have had a lot of time on there hands.

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Is apple seeds living or non living?

A viable apple seed is alive. If you plant it, it will grow.

How do you make Belle Tart seed in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

Puzzle 36, The Trapped Bird. Location: Tree Lined Path. Answer = The trapped bird will be free using tunnel B. Answer puzzle 36 and Receive Belle Tart Seed (US) or Citronia Seed (UK)