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you fell hungry or have a slight headache

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Shine a light to your head.

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Q: How do you know your feeling light-headed?
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Related questions

Can anxiety cause you to be lightheaded when you bend over and sit up?

No, unless your anxiety is about being lightheaded. If that is the case, your mind can trick your body into feeling lightheaded.

What can cause lightheaded and dizziness feeling along with detached feeling?

an breakup or pregnancy or even slight sign of PMS or depression

What is right hug?

one in which you are left feeling extremly lightheaded in after the hug. i have only expearienced this once.

Why does atheletes who practice at higher altitudes experience lightheaded feeling?

Because there is less oxygen in the air at high altitude.

The past 2 days you have been feeling lightheaded when you take a hot shower can you be pregnant?

yes. you are undoubtedly pregnant.

What is lightheadedness and nausea?

Lightheaded is an unpleasant feeling of faintness or dizziness. Nausea is the sensation of unease and discomfort in the stomach with an urge to vomit.

How long after donating blood is it safe to shower?

If you are able to stand without feeling lightheaded, then it is safe to shower. If you feel lightheaded, dizzy or nauseous upon standing, sit or lay down and drink more fluids. (juices or water)

Does cocaine cause you to be lightheaded?

Yes, on it right now, and am feeling a sense of lightheadedness. Not near overdosing though or anything. But Definitely stopping.

What does it mean if your urine pregnancy test was negative but you have been feeling very lightheaded and nauseated?

that means ur testicle is getting big

What are the risks of a creatinine test?

Risks for this test are minimal, but may include slight bleeding from the blood-drawing site, fainting or feeling lightheaded after venipuncture,

Dehydration has what type of symptoms?

feeling tired feeling thirsty dry skin headache a dry mouth, lips, and eyes feeling dizzy or lightheaded dark yellow and strong-smelling pee constipation low blood pressure rapid heart rate

What are the risks of a lipase test?

Risks for this test are minimal, but may include slight bleeding from the puncture site, a small bruise or swelling in the area, fainting, or feeling lightheaded.