

How do you make a ghillie suit?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Generally one buys a ghillie suit. However, soldiers are required to make their own.

Here is the general procedure: a rough webbing made of a stainable fabric like burlap is attached. A nearly invisible material like fishing line is used to sew each knot of net to the fabric The jute is applied to the netting by tying groups of 5 to 10 strands of a color to the netting with simple knots, skipping sections to be filled in with other colors. The webbing is then seasoned by dragging it behind a vehicle, leaving it to soak in mud, or even applying manure to make it smell. The ghillie suit is made to blend with the area with twigs, leaves, and other elements of the local foliage as much as possible, although these local additions must be changed as the branches wilt periodically. It also has different lengths of camoflague material to break up the outline of a person.

I have made my own ghillie suit (I bought a kit off eBay for like 40 bucks). I talked to some people who made some out of fishing net and ripped up rags. For paintball, the second choice is better and cheaper.

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How long does it take to make a ghillie suit?

it really depends on how advance you want it. for a complete guide on how to make a ghillie suit checkout for a comprehensive "How to" on ghillie suit videos go here:

When was a Ghillie Suit invented?

The History of the Ghillie Suit, begins during the 19th Century in Scotland.

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The ghillie suit's original purpose was to disguise British game wardens from poachers.

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buy one online

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I would say most likely the same was an a normal ghillie suit. Start with some 2x2 netting and mix up the wool as you tie it to the netting. Pretty simple ;)

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a Ghillie suit

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Who invented the ghillie suit and sniper?

Al Gore!

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Ghillie suit

What is a ghillie suit?

A ghillie suit is a set of BDU's covered with natural vegetation or jute/burlap. It is generally used by snipers in the military, paintballers, hunters, etc. The point of the suit is to blend in with the environment and break up the silhouette of a human. Many people, instead of using just the suit, use their experience with ghillie suits by putting local vegetation into the suit.

How do you get the ghillie suit on call of duty madern warfare 2?

do the ghillie in the mist challenges. it's one of the 1st challenges you unlock

Why is a ghillie suit called a ghillie suit?

The ghillie suits were named after a group of Scottish hunters, known as Ghillies. When the First World War erupted, they wore those same suits as they wandered into no-man's-land to take up positions for sniping at German personnel.