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Well it depends on what shes nervous about. If shes nervous about a contest coming up just , if your going out with her, hug her and tell her she will be fine. If your not going out with her than just simply tell her a past experience when you had been nervous and everything turned out good. If it is nervous as in whether she should ask out a guy or not you should tell her that she is beautiful and that your sure he will say yes.

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Q: How do you make a girl feel less nervous?
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Do what she asks of you, even if your nervous. You'll make her feel great and you will yourself.

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The only reason a guy would make a girl nervous? He likes her!!! He feels nervous around you, so he tries to make himself more comfortable by making you nervous. It makes absolutely no sense in a girls mind, as I am a girl myself, but it makes him feel better. Just get used to it, because he may be trying to work up the courage to ask you out. Just hang out with him, and you'll get used to it.

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It will help to calm you down and make you feel less nervous or anxious. This will result in a lowering of blood pressure.

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Some guys may feel nervous when they make eye contact with someone they are attracted to, while others may not. It depends on the individual's personality and level of confidence.

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You may feel nervous around this girl due to a fear of rejection, a lack of confidence, or perhaps you have feelings for her. It's important to identify the root cause of your nervousness to address it effectively. Communication and understanding your emotions can help alleviate the nervousness you feel.

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If they truly like you for who you are, then no it shouldn't make him feel "less manly" in any way. Many girls ask boys out every day!

Why do guys not kiss girls?

they probably want the girl to feel comfortable with them first then he might want to kiss her. or maybe they are nervous. The last thing a girl would want is that she would have to make the first move.

What would make a guy nervous to talk to a girl?

A guy might be nervous to talk to a girl if he is unsure of how she will respond, lacks confidence in himself, or has feelings for her that make the interaction feel more significant. It's common for nerves to kick in when there's a fear of rejection or a desire to make a good impression.

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Yes, you can feel sick if you're nervous. This is also known as anxiety and feels like you have butterflies in your stomach. If you're feeling nervous then it does affect your appetite as the thought of eating can make you feel worse.

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They can slow down your central nervous system (Brain)

Everything a girl wants to have to make them feel prettier?

I girl needs a smile, make up and a stress free life to make her feel prettier.