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Answer about left turnsCarefully, unless you are in China. The person turning left must yield to oncoming traffic. At a regular traffic light, you should enter the intersection. When the oncoming traffic stops for the red light you Amy proceed in order to clear the intersection.
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Q: How do you make a left turn at an intersection?
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When you are at an intersection to make a left hand turn do you creep into the intersection half way until it is clear to make the turn?

You can pull halfway into an intersection after making a full stop to make a left turn. However, your light must be green and you must be waiting to turn.

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What type of left turn is made at an intersection with no turn lights?

Left turn

A Right Turn sign means that you are allowed to make a right turn at the next intersection?

Yes, a right turn signal means that a right turn is coming up at the next intersection and you can turn right. The left turn signal sign means the same thing, but that you can turn left.

Is it proper to use the left turn lanes when preparing for left turn at and intersection?

Yes it is

How do you make a turn at an intersection?

Answer about left turnsCarefully, unless you are in China. The person turning left must yield to oncoming traffic. At a regular traffic light, you should enter the intersection. When the oncoming traffic stops for the red light you Amy proceed in order to clear the intersection.

Is it failure to yield on left turn when oncoming traffic is non-visible behind a hill?

Yes, the LEFT TURNER must ensure that the turn can be made in safety. If not, do not make the turn - go to the next intersection and then come back.

Can your car enter an intersection to make a turn?

A car must enter the intersection to make a turn. Restrictions on when you may enter any given intersection are given by the road signs and road markings.

What should you do when you discover you are in the wrong lane to make a turn as you enter an intersection?

Go through the intersection and when legally possible make a u-turn or go to the next intersection and go around the block. .

When you are stopped in the middle of an intersection while it is green to turn left and it turns red while you are still in the middle of the intersection do you continue with your turn or backup?

You complete the turn when it is safe to do so.

When planning to make a left turn across an intersection and you are waiting in the middle of the intersection for the traffic to clear your front tires should be turned?

Straight because if someone comes from behind you and hits you, you just go forward not left into other cars while traffics going by.

When making a left turn at a controlled intersection a motorist must yield to?

Oncoming Traffic