

Best Answer
AnswerSince you placed your question in the Biology category, perhaps a type of microbiological stain is your target.

This particular plant was studied for just that use. See the link below for the abstract & publication information.

A possible resource may also be: Evan's site. See link below. The site is focused on traditional inks. Recipes, ink history and a discussion about inks in general can all be found there.

A warning for all wishing to try their hand at ink making:

Ink is very similar to dye, but more concentrated. It is a fairly complicated subject. Especially depending on the use you are wishing to use it for.

Also some danger can be involved, as dye sources are usually concentrated somehow, thus fumes(even steam) can be fatal. Be careful - be smart and only work outdoors. Wear heavy rubber gloves & wear eye protection.
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Q: How do you make an ink out of alugbati or malabar nightshade?
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What is the abstract of alugbati as ink?

Alugbati, also known as Malabar spinach, has been utilized as a source of natural ink due to its vibrant purple pigment. The leaves are typically boiled, crushed, and mixed with other substances to create eco-friendly ink. Its use as ink showcases the plant's versatility and sustainability in artistic endeavors.

How can you make an ink out of alugbati?

Alugbati or Malabar spinach is soft stemmed, spinach-like leaf plant from Africa and East Asia. It is used to produce an ink by crushing the fruits and seeds then strained the juice and add some rubbing alcohol, white vinegar, salt and iodine and finally put it in the bottle.

What characteristics of alugbati fruit that enables them to produce an ink?

because of its color

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no cows do not make ink they make milk.

How do you make Indian ink?

There is a special tree in India, and it has some kind of balls on it, and if you smash it you will get ink, so that's how you make Indian ink.

How do you make molotow ink?

Molotow is paint and ink mixed together. To make it, just mix paint and ink together and use it in a pen.

What is the conclusion to making invisible ink?

to tell how you can make invisible ink

What did monks make ink with?

I think they used plants and minerals for ink.

How do you make erasable ink?

Find a product called Ink Eradicator.

Why do printers need ink?

They need ink to make them work.If there is no ink in it,it will not work.Its the same as asking; Why do pens need ink to work? Its pretty obvious.

How do you make an ink using a charcoal?

there is a simple answer at:

Where to get squid ink?

you can only get it from a squid... sorry... you cannot make a squid ink...