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Q: How do you make red blood cells smaller?
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Related questions

What is difference between red blood cells and white blood cell?

red blood cells are smaller.

Are white blood cells smaller than red blood cells?

No, they are larger.

What is smaller human red blood cell bacterium or virus?

Red blood cell

Are platelets sm aller than red blood cells?

Yes, platelets are smaller than red blood cells.

How do the diameter and concentration of bovine red blood cells compare to human red blood cells?

bovine red blood cells are smaller and more concentrated than human rbc

Are white blood cells the smallest blood cells?

The granule cell of the cerebellum is the smallest cell in the human body, but the red blood cell is the smallest blood cell.

What are the smallest and most numerous blood cells?

Red blood cells are the most numerous in the blood. They are much smaller than any of the other cells. An adult has about 25 trillion red blood cells, which is about a quarter of the total number of cells in the human body. The red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body and help carry away carbon dioxide. Red blood cells are also called erythrocytes.

Are there more red or white cells?

Red blood cells make up about 90% of your blood cells, while white blood cells make up only about 10%.

How do red blood cells make tissues?

Blood, including plasma (the liquid part), red blood cells, white blood cells and plates are a tissue. They do not make tissues. Red bone marrow does makes this tissue.

What is relative sizes of red blood cells demonstration slides?

Red blood cells appear smaller than the white cells on a slide. They appear lighter in the middle and you will see no nucleus.

what that make the blood red?

The protein hemoglobin, found in the red blood cells, is what makes blood red.

What cells make up almost half of the blood?

red blood cells