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Q: How do you measure contamination levels?
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A bioburden is a measure of an object's contamination with microorganisms.

What is bioburden?

A bioburden is a measure of an object's contamination with microorganisms.

What type of graph would be the best to use to compare the levels of lead contamination in a six water well?

A bar graph is best to compare the levels because you can have 6 different color bars connected on a graph to compare the lead contamination levels.

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ALARA stands for "As Low As Reasonably Achievable." This is an acronym that is used in reference to contamination to show that they want levels as low as possible to avoid possible contamination. This is speaking of the Environmental Management team.

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This is residential area, as far I know there is no lead contamination

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The best way to measure the levels of production in business is to establish benchmarks and then measure productivity over time. You can choose to measure productivity every three months.

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The earth's waters continue to see increasing levels of contamination. The main three causes of this contamination is runoff from farms and industry, bacteria, and excess soil.

What is the best type of graph to use to compare the levels of lead contamination in six water wells?

a bar graph :)

How do I find out if I have normal blood sugar levels?

The best way to measure blood sugar levels, is to measure the glucose levels. However, in order for the measure to be objective, it should be made six to eight hours after the last meal, so it is better to be measured before the breakfast.

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Ovulation kits measure your levels of Luetenizing hormone.

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