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Since "normality" is defined as the gram equivalent weight of a substance in a liter of solution, a 0.02 N NaOH solution would have 0.02 gram equivalents of NaOH per liter. To reduce it to 0.01 N you need only dilute it to one half of the original - e.g. 500 ml of NaOH mixed with 500 ml of pure water. Because there is a small change in the density upon mixing, the exact amount of water will differ slightly from 500 ml, but for a solution as dilute as 0.02 N, it won't be that far off. The best way to get it exact would be to start with a known volume of 0.02 N NaOH and then add enough water to bring the total to exactly twice the original volume. This might be accomplished by doing it in a graduated cylinder or adding it from a burette into a volumetric flask. the important thing is to know the starting volume of the 0.02 N solution and the final volume of the diluted (0.01 N) solution

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Q: How do you prepare 0.01 N NaOH from 0.02 N NaOH?
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In order to make 0.02 N NaOH from 0.2 N NaOH, one needs to dilute it by 10 x (10 fold). Depending on the volume of 0.02 N NaOH needed, that will determine the volume of 0.2 N used. For example, to make 100 ml of 0.02 N NaOH, you would dilute 10 mls of 0.2 N to 100 ml. This is seen in the following calculation: (x ml)(0.2 N NaOH) = (100 ml) (0.02 N NaOH) and x = 10 ml

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How will prepare 200ml of 10 percent NaOH Solution?

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How you prepare 0.2N of NaOH solution?

Molar mass of NaOH = ~40 g/mole. Depending on what volume of 0.2 N NaOH you want, the amount will vary. Assuming you want to make 1 liter, then 0.2 mole/L x 40 g/mole = 8 grams.So, weigh out 8 grams NaOH and dissolve in enough water to make a final volume of 1000 ml. For 100 mls of 0.2 N NaOH, weigh 0.8 grams and dissolve in enough water to make a final volume of 100 ml.

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mehedi hasan

How many moles of NaOH will it take to neutralize 0.61 L of 0.46 M HCl?

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What is the pH of a 1 millimolar NaOH soluiton?

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