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You cut a piece of the potato that contains 1-2 eyes. Usually this is done using left over storage potatoes that have begun spouting at the beginning of planting season in spring. These potatoes would have already been cured after the fall harvest and stored in a dark place with a temperature of 40degrees to prevent spoilage and sprouting till spring. The problem with potatoes bought from the supermarket is that unless it is already planting season they will rot by the time you need them.

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Q: How do you preserve potato sprouts also known as eyes for future planting?
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A potato forms sprouts that can become new plants what is the energy source for the sprouts?

Starch inside potato tuber

Is a raw potato nonperishable?

No, it will grow eyes, then sprouts, and then eventually turn to mush and rot.

Is their a way to preserve an uncooked potato?

Keep in refridge.

What happens if a potato tubule is placed in a test tube with water?

sprouts will grow from the potato tubule and grow more potatoes..... weird huh?

Can i use formalin to preserve potato for ever?

If you do not intend on eating it...

How do you plant sweet potato?

Firstly, start by choosing a spacious place to plant in your house and prepare a bed of sand and place the sweet potatoes in the sand. You need to cover the plants with moist sand. Next, let the vegetables stand in the bed of sand for four to six months. Remove ths sprouts from the vegetables and let the slips stay in a place with room temperature for three to four days. You can start to cultivate once you see the root hairs. Create a soil mound with a measurement of 12 inches width and 12 inches height. Plant the sprouts in the soil mound. When planting the sprouts, ensure space in between the sprouts and avoid planting root crops in sandy soil. To ensure the sprouts will survive, you need to water the slips regularly and keep removing the weeds around the plants.

What is a planting a potato tuber with an eye is a form of?

jnjh Its not jnjh is vegetative propagation

What can you do with potato seeds?

Planting potato seeds will sprout potatoes. However, in order to get edible potatoes, you will need to let the potato grow, then once you have a grown potato, you will have to cut off part of the potato and replant it.

What are the advantage and disadvantages of using an potato eye?

if you do not use an eye on the potato when planting ,this spud has nothing to germinate with, the eye is like a seed.

What are common plants humans can eat in the US?

lettuce, spinach, turnips, potato's, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts.

What is the origin of a spud?

Spuds were tools once used for digging holes for potato planting.

The cultivation of plants by cutting stems and dividing roots is?

Vegetable Planting Edited answer: Vegetative propagation as in case of sugarcane and sweet potato etc.