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Amsterdam de-criminalized organic drugs and now has a lower useage than the u.s.

apparently they have succeded in making weed "boring"

what I'm saying is that you will find a higher percentage of people who don't use it where it is legal, than you will find of people who lie about not using it where it is legal.

I'm not saying they don't use in Amsterdam, there are plenty of people who still love their drugs.

essentialy, you cannot prevent the use of drugs. making them illegal only puts it in the control of druglords and causes violence. the government has no controll of illegal drugs, they can bust all of the stoners they want, drugs are never going away. there will allways be a new drug, and there will allways be a new person providing it.

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Daniella Bogan

Lvl 10
1y ago
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12y ago

Amsterdam de-criminalized organic drugs and now has a lower useage than the u.s.

apparently they have succeded in making weed "boring"

what I'm saying is that you will find a higher percentage of people who don't use it where it is legal, than you will find of people who lie about not using it where it is legal.

I'm not saying they don't use in Amsterdam, there are plenty of people who still love their drugs.

essentialy, you cannot prevent the use of drugs. making them illegal only puts it in the control of druglords and causes violence. the government has no controll of illegal drugs, they can bust all of the stoners they want, drugs are never going away. there will allways be a new drug, and there will allways be a new person providing it.

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13y ago

The main prevention drug abuse problems for your loved one,is family involvement. One's involvement in their family is the key to preventing drug abuse. Families play the most important role in determining how children handle The Temptations to use alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Typically, substance abuse prevention programs for youth are part of school efforts, public television campaigns, or local police initiatives. But a new effort in how to prevent drug abuse is starting in many communities. It focuses on preventing substance abuse by helping families. Be a part of it from the very first step!

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