

How do you put game maker games on a webpage?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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copy the HTML and place it on your web page if there's not a HTML then they do not you to use it on the web

Or use erun to embed it to the page. I've never used erun so you will have to look it up.

If you want a download link go to the official game maker website by Google "yoyo sandbox" the sandbox makes sure you get the right link. Then create an account and click the publish button. there will then be steps on the screen to guide you through the next parts

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First: save a stand alone executable of your game (file, create executable) 2: To post your game on the official game maker website you need an account on the site http:/www.yoyogames.com3: when you have an account on yoyo games or any other game maker sharing website click on the share button and upload your game from where you saved the executable.note: it is not necessary to create a stand alone executable but if you don't want anyone else to download your work and be able to edit it then i suggest you do.

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