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Gaining enlightenment is traveling the path of pure spirituality, absolute spirituality! The path of spirituality is best traveled fathoming the depth of wisdom contained in sacred Bhagavad-Gita of Hinduism. Bhagavad-Gita of Hinduism is one such document knowing which one finally emancipates from cycle of birth and death forever gains enlightenment (kaivalya jnana).

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Through repeated reincarnations

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Q: How do you reach enlightenment in Hinduism?
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The Goal of Buddhism is to reach "enlightenment".

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Enlightenment is a concept mostly associated with Buddhism and Hinduism. In Buddhism, enlightenment is called nirvana. Nirvana is believed to be a state of peace and unity with the cosmos. Hinduism also uses the concept of nirvana, called moksha, considering it a representation of freedom from desire and other worldly passions. Enlightenment is also part of the conclusion to the Hindu cycle of reincarnation.

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Why could Buddhism be considered peaceful philosophy and why might it appeal to people?

It might be considered a peaceful philosophy because of their way to reaching enlightenment. It might appeal to people because it makes sense. What I mean by that is it makes sense to want to reach enlightenment and have your soul become one with the universe. Compared to Hinduism where the ultimate goal is to unite with Brahman. In NO way was I trying to insult Hinduism. I personally am a Christian so I do not believe in these religions but was highly educated in them.

Why could Buddhism be considered a peaceful philosophy and why might it appeal to people?

It might be considered a peaceful philosophy because of their way to reaching enlightenment. It might appeal to people because it makes sense. What I mean by that is it makes sense to want to reach enlightenment and have your soul become one with the universe. Compared to Hinduism where the ultimate goal is to unite with Brahman. In NO way was I trying to insult Hinduism. I personally am a Christian so I do not believe in these religions but was highly educated in them.

Why is meditation crucial to Buddhism and Hinduism?

It is the most important work on the path to enlightenment. Meditation is part of the "right concentration."

Is enlightenment associated with Hinduism?

Typically enlightenment is associated more with Buddhist traditions but the idea of enlightenment is universal to eastern thought in some way or another. What made Buddhism different is that enlightenment was able to be achieved by anybody from anywhere as opposed to the caste ideology of the Hindu religion. To answer your question directly, no. Enlightenment, as I assume you are thinking about it, is a Buddhist tradition.

Who wrote the Path?

The Buddha laid out the Eightfold Path as what he described as "the Middle Way" to reach enlightenment. This method is less severe than the path that The Buddha followed and avoids the extremes that he tried and failed at to reach enlightenment.

What does lamps mean in Hinduism?

lamps mean victory over darkness by light. Which means knowledge over evil & show enlightenment.

Who wrote the eightfold path?

The Buddha laid out the Eightfold Path as what he described as "the Middle Way" to reach enlightenment. This method is less severe than the path that The Buddha followed and avoids the extremes that he tried and failed at to reach enlightenment.

How do hindus reach enlightenment?

Enlightenment is attained by overcoming ignorance and realizing the truth. When we realize that everything in this world is a cosmic illusion, it's not real, it's like a dream, this realization leads us to overcoming our ignorance. It leads us to enlightenment. It leads us to Mukti in Hinduism, which is liberation when alive. A person who is enlightened that they are not the body, mind and ego, is liberated from the triple suffering - pain of the body, misery of the mind, agony of the ego. At death, this liberated Soul does not take rebirth, because they realize we are not the body and mind, we are the Divine Soul. Such a person who is enlightened in Hinduism attains a state of Moksha, of liberation and unification with the Divine.