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Q: How do you regard the Japanese sneak on pearl harbor?
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When did the Japanese launch a sneak attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor Hawaii?

December 7, 1941

Was Oregon attacked during the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor?

No, not at the same time. It was bombed superficially, later.

Why the US entry World War 2?

The Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor propelled the US into the war.

What events led up to the end of the war in the pacific?

the Japanese sneak attack of Pearl Harbor.For the US it started with Pearl Harbor

What eventevents finally pushed the US into joining World War 2?

It was the Japanese sneak attack on the American base at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.

The Japanese did not win any of the battles in the Pacific during World War 2?

Yes; the Pearl Harbor "sneak attack" was not their only "win".

Which country made the Americans the angriest?

Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor…

How did the Japanesse attack America at pearl harbor?

They used the old sneak attack method.

Why did America do nothing to stop the attack of pearl harbor?

Maybe because it was a sneak attack?

When and why the US enter the war?

The USA entered WWII on Monday, December 8th, 1941 because the Japanese launched a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on Sunday, December 7th, 1941.

Was World War 2 a fair war?

Nothing is ever fair in love and war.Of course not. The Japanese 'sneak' attack on Pearl Harbor was anything but fair. But war is never 'fair.'

What was the Pearl Harbor about?

Pearl Harbor is how we usually refer to the Japanese surprise attack on US military installations in Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) and elsewhere in the Pacific on 7-8 December 1941. This is the action that brought the US into World War 2. Because of poor coordination within the Japanese Foreign ministry, the Japanese failed to issue a declaration of war just before the attack failed. The declaration was issued after the attack. Thus the attack was considered a sneak attack and "cowardly" and enraged the US populace. also how japan owned America