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If you look to herbs and minerals you might find what your looking for. I have a friend going through this and natural cures in my opinion is the safest not drugs that have harmful side effects. Ask your Dr. before using anything especially if your already taking something. Owlman


The above poster gave you excellent advice. I have gone through menopause and chose not to take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) because it's dangerous. Short-term use if a woman is having an extremely rough time of it is fine, but SHORT-TERM ONLY! HRT has been linked to breast cancer, blood clots (especially in the legs) and there is no evidence that HRT strengthens bones or the heart (that was on the news at the beginning of last year.) I chose to go to a Homeopathic doctor for the symptoms I had. Women in menopause go through hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, crying jags for no reason, cranky, feeling over whelmed, some memory loss and sometimes low libido. Most of these symptoms can be dealt with on your own such as putting your under part of your wrists under cold water or a wet cloth on the back of your neck. For night sweats (didn't get many) I used a fan on low so the breeze just went over my body. When I got moody I cheered myself up with keeping busy at things I enjoyed, went for long peaceful walks and enjoyed nature or kept a low profile until it passed. When I had the odd crying jag I'd let go with a vengeance and get it out of the way and felt better. Instead of succumbing to memory loss I wrote things down, did crossword puzzles, studied things at night school and on the internet. I kept busy! I found that Homeopathic medicines did work, but take longer to work than most conventional medicines, but natural is safer.

I also learned to have a good diet and one big thing I came to realize was to change where I bought my meat and poultry. I went to a meat market and bought free-range meat, poultry and eggs. They don't have hormones in them. The meat you buy at your local grocery stores is loaded with it. I ate a diet of fresh vegetables and fruit, 3 1/2 ounces of protein at each meal, exercised, grains and dairy and 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water a day and also drink a full glass of Pomegranate juice that is high in antitoxidants. Surround yourself with friends socially because and have some good laughs.

The mental attitude of a woman is important as well. Some women feel when they are in menopause they are old, feelings of uselessness and some women even pine over the fact they can no longer have children, but in reality this is just another phase of a woman's life and an exciting one. My life is full of excitement because I now have the time to tap into the things I do well and enjoy such things as writing, artwork, gardening, plus I volunteer and work. I am MY own person for a change and I come first instead of putting others first that I have done in the past as so many women have. If women in menopause have children then they will have a rich reward of grandchildren and I've seen some hot looking grandmothers out there! LOL My girlfriend is a grandmother of two boys and is 63 years old and looks 49.

It's also beneficial to take up Tai Chi, Yoga, swimming, getting those walks in or working out at the gym and treating the body as a whole .... mind, body and spirit. I am a Christian (not forcing this down any one's throat) but feel at peace and know that I have learned so much from my past and also learned that my faith has seen me through many painful times and only made me stronger.

So, it's up to each individual woman to do the best she can and not look at menopause as a dreadful disease. My girlfriends and I get together and poke fun at ourselves or each other and laugh ourselves sick. Laughter really is the best medicine!

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15y ago

A variety of alternative treatments are available to help manage menopause, including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Homeopathy.

Using Traditional Chinese Medicine, which includes acupuncture and Chinese herbs, can be helpful in regulating the endocrine system bringing balance back to the body. Xiao Yao San is an appropriate Chinese herbal medicine formula for mood swings during menopause. Using homeopathy can help clear specific symptoms of menopause, including emotional difficulties.

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