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Q: How do you remove a 9 weeks death fetus that has no heartbeat?
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Death of an embryo or fetus in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is called?

The death of an embryo or fetus in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is called a spontaneous abortion.

How long does fetus with no heartbeat stay in womb at 10 weeks?

It depends. My baby died at 8 weeks and I found out at 12 weeks through an ultrasound, and it was removed by D&C

Heart beat of 7-8 weeks fetus?

I just went in for my ultra sound this morning. I am 8 weeks and 2 days and the heartbeat was 177 my doctor said that it was normal.

If the doctor doesn't detect heart in six weeks of pregnancy is anything wrong with pregnancy?

Normally a fetus heartbeat is not heard until 10-12 weeks with a doplar ultrasound device. With a stethoscope somewhere around the 17-18 weeks. 6 weeks is very early to be detecting a heartbeat! Good Luck!

Is is uncommon to not hear a babies heart beat at 12 weeks?

No. The fetus is so small at that point sometimes it is hard to detect the heartbeat to hear it.

What is heart rate of foetus 7 weeks and 3 days?

A normal heartbeat of a fetus at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute.

Does 50 percent of fetus spontaneously stillborn?

No. Stillborns (death in the womb after 24 weeks) is not common.

Is 167 a normal heartbeat for a fetus?

Yes, that is a very normal heartbeat for a fetus. I have had 3 children & pregnant with my 4th & my 1st 3 kids heartbeats were in the 160's. All girls. This baby though I am pregnant with is ranging 140's to 150's. Your baby has a good strong heartbeat. Good Luck! A normal heart rate for a fetus is 120-160. At my first ultrasound I was 10 weeks 5 days and my babies heart beat was slows down throughout pregnancy.

Your friend should be by her date 11 weeks pregnant but went for a scan last week and they said she was 5 weeks pregnant and they cant find a heartbeat has she lost the baby?

nope, this happened to me too .. they waited about 3 weeks, tried again and found the heartbeat. It's just because the baby is working to grow, and the fetus is so tiny its hard to pinpoint where the heart is.

How long before a doctor can see a baby in an ultrasound?

ABout 5 to 6 Weeks, not much there to see really. They are tiny tiny then. God bless

How fast should a baby's heartbeat be at 9 weeks?

120's would be the low end. 150's the high end. Anything in between is fine.