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I have found that using a toe cap once you have an ingrown toenail helps. It protects the toe while it heals and moisturizes it. I really like the Therastep All-Gel Toe Cap. It's comfortable. If you're interested, I get mine online at and I think the website is

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call a foot doctor because 9 time out of 10 you will need the ingrown nail removed or you can pull on the nail to move it out of the toe and then push the puss out of it and then apply peroxide to it to prevent further infection. also soaking it in epsonsalt will also help.

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Q: How do you remove an ingrown toe nail?
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Related questions

What is ingrown if your suffer from onychocryptosis?

a toe nail

What does it mean when you have an ingrown toenail?

it means that the nail has grown into your skin at the side of your toe.

How do you fix an ingrown nail?

The way you fix an ingrown toe nail is either if it's purple like the one I had 2 years ago, then they put a huge needle in your toe to numb it then they cut your toe open (as you watch) and cut out the ingrown toe nail. And yes, it IS very very painful! But I lived and your toe will never get another ingrown toe nail. People actually pass out from the shot which hurts REALLY bad i just screamed my head off. Now if it's not that bad then there are many different over the counter ways of treating this very painful toe nail.

What is an ungiectomy and matrixectomy of the toe?

Ungiectomy is the surgical removal of part or all of a toenail, often to treat ingrown toenails. Matrixectomy involves removing part of the nail bed to prevent the nail from regrowing in cases of chronic ingrown toenails. Both procedures are typically performed under local anesthesia.

Why do ingrown toenails hurt?

Ingrown toenails hurt because what is happening is that your toenail is penetrating the skin. when anything penetrates your skin it will hurt. The toenail will press on nerves in the toe. another reason that it hurts is that it is infected. The way to treat an infected ingrown toenail is to remove the toenail from the opening in the skin with nail trimmers then soak the toe in warm salt water. Hope this helps!!

What can you use to numb toe for ingrown nail?

A product called 'Cold Spray' will numb the area temporarily.

Why do toenails stop growing?

actually your toenail can stop growing due to toenail fungus or in some cases ingrown toenails. with the ingrown toenail the nail is actually growing but unfortunately its growing into your toe under the skin. toe nail fungus will cause discoloration and will in some cases cause the nail to completely stop growing. you should see a doctor asap both can require surgery if left untreated

How do you remove an ingrown fingernail at home?

To properly remove an ingrown fingernail or toenail, you should soak it in warm water for at least 15 minutes, then you should gently pull back on the skin going around the area the ingrown nail is in and put a small piece of cotton underneath the nail to keep the skin from growing over the nail even more. You should also be sure to cut the nail properly and clean it reguarly.

How do you get your ingrown toenail out?

If your ingrown teonail is red and swollen, then go to a doctor. They will numb your toe with a small needle and get the ingrown toenail out. The needle is the worst part if this "surgery".However, if your ingrown toenail is not red and swollen, you can probadly get needle nose nail clippers and dig it out. This will be somewhat painful and may grow back worse.From experience, i would definatly go to the doctor the first time and just get it over with so i know it will not grow back.

What cause ingrown toenail in a man feet?

An ingrown toenail is a nail that grows inward, instead of normally. Usually, one corner of the nail will curl downward and dig into the skin. Ingrown toenails are sharp and tend to jab the skin on the outer edge of the toe. If the nail breaks the skin, bacteria can cause an infection in that area. Bacterial infections can cause inflammation, redness, foul odors and pain. In most cases, the big toe (hallux) is affected. There are various reasons why ingrown toenails develop. These causes include: Genetics, Trauma or injury to the nail, Infection of the nail, Toe jamming (sports activities that require sudden stops) , Improper trimming of nails (nail is trimmed to far back or not straight across) , Poor hygiene , Improper footwear , Nail naturally curves more than normal and more information Visit that website It's hereditary.

What can be done about an ingrown toenail?

The most common causes of ingrowing toenails are badly cut toenails and shoes which have been too tight.Also, if you have a history of ingrown toenails in your family then you are at an increased risk of getting an ingrown toenail yourself.

What is the most effective treatment for an ingrown toenail?

The most effective treatment for an ingrown toenail is surgery. You need to remove the sides of the nail from the cuticle in order to stop regrowth from curling back in.