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I finally got it off my hands with hot water, soap, and a pumice stone with vigorous scrubbing. EJ Hall

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Q: How do you remove correction fluid from your skin?
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Related questions

Advantages of the correction fluid?

An advantage of correction fluid is that you can use it to cover up mistakes. You can also write on the fluid whenever it dries.

How can you correct mistakes in a letter typed on a traditional typewriter?

To correct mistakes on a letter typed on a traditional typewriter, you can use correction fluid to cover the error and then retype the correct character over it. If the mistake is minor, you can also use a typewriter eraser to erase the character before retyping it. Be sure to let the correction fluid dry completely before continuing typing on the paper.

Who first invented correction fluid?

Correction fluid was first invented in 1951 by Bette Nesmith Graham. She was working as a typist and invented the fluid in her kitchen before founding the company Liquid Paper.

What is liquid paper madeupof?

Liquid Paper is a brand of the Newell Rubbermaid company that sells correction fluid, correction pen and correction tape.

Can you die from ingesting correction fluid?

Yes, if you ingest too much correction fluid, you could die. It is probably not a good idea to eat or drink this at all.

Can Sniffing correction fluid can stop your heart?

Yes it can.

Can you erase white out?

If you mean correction fluid/white-out, you can purchase thinners for the same brand of correction fluid and use this to remove the blot. Test the thinners on a similar material before you do this as it can lift the dye in some media. If the blot is on paper then it can normally be flaked off ofter it has fully dried.

What are procedures that break the skin for correction or examination?


What is a slang word for correction fluid in New Zealand?

Twink seems to be the work most commonly used in New Zealand. It is also the most common brand of correction fluid in New Zealand.

Michael Nesmith mom invented what?

Liquid Paper correction fluid.

What happens when you breathe in the vapours of correction fluid?

May cause drowsiness and dizziness.

What is the extra skin on a dog?

It's simply just excess skin. Like on a sharpei or mastiff.There may be extra fluids around the area with excess skin and treatment to remove some of the fluid can be done at the vet.