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Use a lead-free silver solder. It is the only thing that can handle the pressure and bond with the copper pipe.

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Q: How do you repair a pinhole in copper pipe?
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How do you paint over verdigris on copper pipes?

You shouldn't do this. Where verdigris is thickest is where your copper pipe is going to soon have a pinhole leak. If you paint it, it's much harder to fix in emergency.

I heard that a circulating pump will cause pin holes in copper pipe, is this true?

yes, it really creates holes in copper pipe it can be clearly known here

Why change galvanized to copper pipe?

Lots or reasons really. Copper does not rust, and its easier to repair if the pipe does happen to fail. Pex may be a more viable option if this is a DIY project due to cost of copper and skill required to solder connections. Depends on the applications such as waste, vent ,water supply. Copper Pipe is no longer used because of cost so many settle for copper tubing or Red Brass pipe 85% copper 15% zinc

How does one Repair a pin hole leak in PVC?

If it isn't a flexible type of pipe, make sure there is no pressure or liquid going to running through it. Put PVC primer around the area of the pinhole, let it dry for a minute, and then put a bunch of PVC glue over the pinhole. When it dries you should be good to go. This actually melds the pipe together. You could also get another piece of PVC that is a little bigger than the hole, and do the same thing. When the new piece is primered and glued and dried on the pinhole, you're in business.

How would you repair a leak in copper pipe that's underground from water meter?

Unless you developed heroes or xmen powers,you have to dig.

Is a copper pipe a conductor or an insulator?

A copper pipe is a conductor :) x

Can it be used for copper pipe?

I am sorry, but can you PLEASE rephrase your question? Can WHAT be used for copper pipe? When? How? Why?

What copper tube is available when using the grooved method of joining?

Grooved method? Threads on the end of the pipe? There is no tube or pipe in copper with threads. You can end a copper pipe with a connection that is threaded to accept steel pipe.

Could they damage a central heating copper pipe?

It is very easy to damage any copper pipe.

How do you connect copper pipe?

YOU thread or braze copper pipe Copper tubling you solder, braze, flaire, compression ring, mechincal joints

Is a copper pipe transparent?


How do you know if you have copper or steel drinking water pipes?

Galvanized pipe will be silver/gray color. Copper will be copper. Use a magnet, it'll stick to galvanized pipe but not to copper. Drinking water lines should not be black steel pipe.