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Q: How do you sell a merger to your customers?
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Task that businesses perform and sell to customers

What is merger its types and benefits and example of merger in Pakistan?

A merger refers to the process whereby at least two companies combine to form one single company. Business firms make use of mergers and acquisitions for consolidation of markets as well as for gaining a competitive edge in the industry.Merger types can be broadly classified into the following five subheads as described below.They are Horizontal Merger, Conglomeration, Vertical Merger, Product-Extension Merger and Market-Extension Merger.Horizontal Merger refers to the merger of two companies who are direct competitors of one another. They serve the same market and sell the same product.Conglomeration refers to the merger of companies, which do not either sell any related products or cater to any related markets. Here, the two companies entering the merger process do not possess any common business ties.Vertical Merger is effected either between a company and a customer or between a company and a supplier.Product-Extension Merger is executed among companies, which sell different products of a related category. They also seek to serve a common market. This type of merger enables the new company to go in for a pooling in of their products so as to serve a common market, which was earlier fragmented among them.Market-Extension Merger occurs between two companies that sell identical products in different markets. It basically expands the market base of the product.

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What does retail company do to customers?

they sell the company

Who are the primary customersd for a wholesaling business?

The retailers who sell the products directly to the customers are the primary customers for a wholesale business. They buy the products from the wholesalers,get cash/trade discount and sell them to ultimate customers at a margin.

What are types of merger?

Purchasing Merger Consolidation Merger

What does Kaplan Financial offer to its customers?

"Kaplan Financial offers it's customers courses in learning to sell insurance, and provides courses that prepare it's customers to apply and take their test for their license to sell insurance."

What does the Buy Sell Bulletin offer its customers?

The 'Buy Sell Bulletin' offers its customers the chance to submit classified ads when trying to sell products. They can also search the listings when looking to buy products.

Disadvantages of mergers?

Basically the same as acquisitions, joint ventures and partnerships: failure to adequately and formally develop the relationship, inadequate or misaligned valuations, and culture clashes. Definitely worth the time & money to hire a merger consultant familiar with your industry. Your accountant can probably help you find one.

What type of computer do Dell NZ sell to customers?

Dell sell the same types of computer to customers in New Zealand as they do in other countries. They sell Inspiron laptops and Utrabooks as well as desktops and all-in-ones.

What is an arrangement in which one business sells another business the right to use its name and sell its products in a certain area?


What are the names of car rental companies that sell their used cars?

Every single rental company sells their cars. Some sell to auctions and some sell to private customers. Hertz is one that sells to customers, usually in auctions.