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Say it on their face!!If they don't,then forget they exist.

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Q: How do you send the message to DB people that they need to stay out of other people's business?
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First you go to other peoples pinboard and you click the 'write a message' icon on the top then you write a message

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Yes you can by click on a users name they usually appear on your message board or at the bottom of the answer.

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Something or someone who is constantly meddling in other peoples business.

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When people sometimes just do it for fun to make people angry and to find out other peoples secrets and to steal other peoples money.

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To sell other peoples products you would have to register a business name according to your states licensing requirement that would enable you to purchase wholesale products from companies in order to sell and make a profit

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i have no idea what you are trying to ask here.... people sniffing other peoples nonses? that is just weird.

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you can start a business by you and some other nurses where you go to peoples houses and treat them as a nurse at a hospital would