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Not sure what you mean by setting the javascript program as the background of your webpage, but if you mean that you want to incorporate some javascript functionality to your webpage like changing the html content when people click on an image or hover over some text, and you have not learned javascript yet, a good place to start is You should also consider just learning jquery. Jquery is a much easier to learn and simpler to type code that employs the same functionality as javascript and much more. You can also learn how to write jquery on You will just need to download their library or link to Google's version of it by placing one line of markup in your html document, then you create your javascript document and write your scripts in it.

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Q: How do you set a javascript program as the background of your webpage?
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JavaScript is a scripting language that is mainly used within a web browser. Jquery is a library of javascript code that can be used together with your javascript program. A set of functions that can preform common tasks is provided, which will reduce the amount of code that you have to write yourself.

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To create a webpage that requires a survey to grant access, you can use a combination of HTML for the webpage structure and JavaScript for form validation and survey submission. Set up the survey questions within a form element on the webpage and use JavaScript to check the survey responses before allowing access to the rest of the page’s content. Consider using server-side scripting (e.g., PHP, Node.js) to handle the form submission and authenticate users based on their survey responses.

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Generally, nothing. The default background colour set by a web browser is usually white. However, if you want to explicitly set the background colour as white, a simple solution is to enter style="background-color:white" to the body tag of your web page.Example:

How do you set an image as 100 percent of the background of a webpage using css?

There can be no design questions with trying A List Apart! See link below.

How do you insert an image into a webpage?

Add the HTML tag to the body of your webpage where you want it to be displayed:adding height="100" and width="100" (in an example 100x100px image) is recommended, but not required.Note: the image will have to be on the internet if you want it to be seen by anyone who has the page. Websites like flickr or tinypic will host your images for free.Also, with CSS you can set background-image:url('path/to/image.jpg'); to set the background image of an element.

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API stands for "Application Programming Interface." A JavaScript API is a set of methods and objects that you can use to interface with a different program from your own JavaScript program. This allows you to use another persons code, without them having to give the code to you, and without you having to learn the intricacies of their coding.

What is Undefined in javascript?

In JavaScript undefined is a special value used when a variable has not had a value set to it, or has not been declared.

How do you transfer values from javascript to JSP?

You can set the value in the hidden form fields using javascript and access the form fields in JSP