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Q: How do you slim Jim the door of a 2007 scion tc?
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Can the slim-Jim opened door even with a dead battery?

A battery has no part of the process of opening a door with a slim Jim

How do you open your 1992 Honda accord door with a slim Jim?

You eat the slim Jim which gives your lazy butt energy to open the door.

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I how do you unlock the doorI locked my keys in the car if you have a slim jim where would you put it to open the door

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How do I open a 95 toyota corolla door with a slim jim? I NEED A ANSWER NOW!

How do you use a slim Jim on a 2005 gm 2500?

Using a Slim Jim on a 2005 Gm 2500 is really quite simple. Simply slide the Slim Jim up to the window on the outside door panel and slide it down to attach to the metal bar that opens the door.

Where can you get a slim Jim car door opener?

Auto parts store.

How do you use a slim Jim to open the doors on a 2001 Chevy Silverado?

how do you unlock a 2006 Chevy silverado truck with a slim Jim? First, insert the slim Jim in between the door and the window. Next, feel around for the linkage bar that connects the lock to the door handle. Then you jiggle it forward to get it to unlock.

How do you use a slim Jim to get into a ford focus 2005?

If your vehicle has power door locks I advise against it. Forcing the mechanism with a slim Jim has a 99% probability of screwing up the power door lock system.

How do you use a slim Jim to unlock the door of a Chevy Colorado LS?


Slim Jim a 2007 Chevy truck?

break the window its easier

How is a Dodge neon door opened with a slim Jim?

Take a your slim jim to the drivers side front door.. place it in so that the 2 little half circle things are pointing to your right. Slide it down into the door via the window and get your slim jim to about where the door handle on the outside is and fidget with it a but until you see your door handle move a bit. Once that happens try to clinch whatever it is in the door with those 2 half circle things on the slim jim and you will have to push down. You know you have it when your door handle starts to come out.. You will figure it out.. I'm not the brightest and I figured it out in under 20 minutes with no guidance.. Good luck.

Car alarm battery dead how to open car door?

with the key... or a slim Jim Key is not working at the door