


Founded in 2002, Scion is a car brand owned by Toyota that appeals to a younger demographic. Ask questions about Scion cars here.

900 Questions

Why don't the grafted hybrids produce apples with a blend of traits from the Scion and the rootstock?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grafted hybrids produce apples with traits mainly from the scion because the scion is the top portion of the graft and determines most of the characteristics observed in the fruit. The rootstock primarily influences the growth habit, disease resistance, and overall vigor of the tree, rather than the characteristics of the fruit produced.

What is scion in grafting?

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A scion in grafting is the small section of branch or shoot from a desired plant that is attached to the rootstock of another plant. The scion carries the genetic material that will determine the characteristics of the future growth. In grafting, the scion is carefully chosen for its desirable traits, such as fruit quality or flower color.

What is rootstock and scion?

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Rootstock is the lower part of a grafted plant, typically chosen for its root system characteristics. Scion is the upper part of a grafted plant, selected for its desired fruit, flower, or growth characteristics. Grafting is a horticultural technique where these two parts are joined to create a new plant with combined desirable traits.

What is a scion on a apple tree?

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A scion is a young shoot or bud that is used in grafting to create a new apple tree. It is usually taken from a desirable fruit-bearing tree and grafted onto rootstock to propagate the specific characteristics of the original tree.

What is a scion?

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it is a cheaper toyota

It is a child as in "Prince William is the scion of Prince Charles".

It is a leafy twig that is attacted to new root stock by grafting as in "A scion of the tasty apple was grafted on to the root of the small apple tree so it would fit on the patio."

Scion is Toyota's brand targeted at a younger audience (about 18 - 30 years old)

minor edit i have an e cause of this

What does scion mean?

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A scion typically refers to a young shoot or bud from a plant that is joined to a rootstock to form a graft. More broadly, it can also mean a descendant or heir of a family or lineage. In the context of automobiles, a scion was also a brand under Toyota that focused on marketing to younger drivers.

What Is the idea that the simplest explanation for a phenomenon is usually the correct one?

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This idea is known as Occam's Razor, which states that when faced with multiple explanations for a phenomenon, the simplest one is likely the correct one. It is a principle of parsimony or simplicity in problem-solving and scientific reasoning, attributed to the philosopher William of Ockham.

Why does cambium layer of the rootstock and scion match?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grafting between rootstock and scion is successful when the cambium layers of both tissues align because it allows for the exchange of nutrients, water, and growth signals between them. The cambium is a layer of cells responsible for growth and differentiation of new tissues, so alignment ensures proper healing and integration of the two plant parts.

In Which step of RM is METT-TC anaysis conducted?

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Asked by Wiki User

METT-TC analysis is typically conducted during the mission analysis step of the military decision-making process within the context of the RM (Risk Management) process. This analysis helps commanders and staff understand the mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, and civil considerations to assess risks and develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies.

What is METT-TC analysis?

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Asked by Wiki User

METT-TC analysis is a structured assessment method used in military planning. It stands for Mission, Enemy, Terrain and weather, Troops and support available, Time available, and Civil considerations. It helps military planners evaluate the factors that may influence a mission and develop effective operational plans.

What does the Ni and Tc have in common?

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What do TC and TD indicate in pipet and burets?

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Asked by Wiki User

In pipets and burets, TC stands for "to contain," indicating the volume of liquid contained when filled to the calibration mark. TD stands for "to deliver," indicating the volume of liquid delivered when emptied to the calibration mark.

Why a stone drowns in a sea whereas a ship do not?

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Asked by Wiki User

A stone sinks in water due to its density being higher than that of water. On the other hand, a ship is designed to displace enough water to create buoyancy, keeping it afloat. The ship's shape, size, and material all contribute to its ability to float on water.

Is breaking glass a chemical reaction?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, this is a physical reaction because no matter has exchanged etc. Instead, the lattice structure of the glass has been broken- which is simply physical.

(Not even that sophisticated a physical change, as glass has no lattice structure.)

What do Ni and Tc have in common?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ni (nickel) and Tc (technetium) are both transition metals found in the same period of the periodic table. They are both known for their use in various industrial applications and are important elements in the field of chemistry and materials science. Additionally, they both have multiple oxidation states that contribute to their versatility in forming different compounds.

Is glass breaking a chemical or physical change and why?

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Asked by Wiki User

Glass breaking is a physical change because it does not involve a change in the chemical makeup of the glass. The bonds between the glass molecules are simply being rearranged when it breaks, but the composition of the glass remains the same.

Is a glass blower creating sculptures a physical or chemical change?

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Glass blowing to create sculptures is a physical change because the process involves heating and shaping the glass without changing its chemical composition. The glass remains the same material throughout the sculpting process.

What element is Tc?

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Tc stands for the element technetium. Technetium is a silvery-gray metal and it is the first element on the periodic table that does not have any stable isotopes.

Is a glass breaking chemical or physical?

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The breaking of a glass is a physical change because it involves the glass changing its shape and structure without undergoing a chemical reaction. The chemical composition of the glass remains the same before and after it breaks.

Is a glass breaking a chemical change?

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A chemical change is when the molecules of an object / solution are changed.

A physical change is when the object / solution is altered without molecular change.

Breaking glass is a physical change.

What is the apparent change in frequency of a sound as the source moves in relation to the listner?

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Asked by Wiki User

The apparent change in frequency of a sound as the source moves in relation to the listener is known as the Doppler effect. If the source is moving towards the listener, the frequency heard is higher (shifted towards higher frequencies), and if the source is moving away from the listener, the frequency heard is lower (shifted towards lower frequencies).

Is breaking a plate a chemical change?

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Asked by Wiki User

No breaking a plate is a physical change. A chemical change is a change to a substance where its identity changes. When you break a plate you still have a plate not a new substance.

Most miles on a Scion xb so far?

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The world record for the most miles on a Scion xB is held by Victor Sheppard, who has driven his 2007 Scion xB for over 1 million miles. He achieved this milestone in 2019 and continues to drive his vehicle daily. Sheppard credits regular maintenance and a love for his car for reaching such a high mileage.

What is the true chemical nature of glass?

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Asked by Wiki User

Glass is not crystalline like most solids, but an amorphous solid made primarily of silicon dioxide (SiO2) mixed with various other elements like sodium, calcium, and aluminum. This lack of a regular crystalline structure gives glass its unique properties, such as transparency and brittleness.

What lesson can you draw from life of Fr.HofsTee's?

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Asked by Wiki User

One lesson that can be drawn from the life of Fr. Hofstee is the importance of perseverance in the face of challenges. Despite facing obstacles, he remained dedicated to his work and continued to serve his community with compassion and determination. His life teaches us that staying committed to our values and goals can lead to making a positive impact in the world.