

How do you stop burning teeth because of braces?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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∙ 13y ago

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do you mean burning as in aching?

If so, eat ice cream or something cold to relax the wires a little- they're heat-activated.

Eat soft foods that you don't have to chew on (at least not a lot- I suggest soup), and don't mess with your teeth.

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Q: How do you stop burning teeth because of braces?
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AnswerIn most cases, there should be no problem in having your wisdom teeth extracted while you are still wearing braces.This is usually done when there is an infection on the wisdom tooth, or when the extraction is indicated to help with the orthodontic treatment.AnswerAfter having had braces, for four years, the orthodontist told me which teeth had to be extracted PRIOR to the braces being put on. The extraction sites had to then heal, before the braces could be applied. Working around braces is so difficult, that normal dental cleanings and flossing can NOT be done.

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The boy is just teasing you so try to ignore it and he should stop. Lots of people wear braces and some braces are even colored and in fashion so don't worry about it and just ignore him and he'll eventually get tired of not getting any reaction out of you. If it really bothers you could also tell him that at least you'll have nice straight teeth and well worth the 'braceist' and that he should have a good look in the mirror regarding his own teeth and see a dentist ... then walk away. Even if he has perfect white teeth it will get him thinking and make him feel self conscious.

Why do braces hurt the next day?

Well, when I had braces after I got them on I was thinking no way is this going to hurt it doesn't hurt at all....... but when I got home my teeth were throbbing, and couldn't stop! Now when this happened I took medicine, but didn't seem to help. The braces tightened your teeth so they start moving, and of course your never used to the braces, how heavy they are or even how it's pulling your teeth. So every month or so I'm getting them tightened, and it hurts super bad, so sometimes at the dentist, they would put different wire on, like the thick kind I just got on hurts worse! I hope I answered your question!

Can teeth braces stay for a lifetime?

they don't keep your teeth straight forever unless you wear your retainer after wards for a few years but if you even stop wearing your retainer for a few nights you will see your teeth starting to back to the way they were before. so orthodontists recommend wearing your retainer for at least 3 years after you get your braces out.

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you will want to leave it on forever because if you stop wearing it your braces will not work and your teeth will move they can go back to normal or get worse if you don't wear your retainer

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it is natural for teeth to move over time. especially if you have missing teeth, the teeth behind the space will tend to tip or move forward to attempt to fill some of that empty space. there is nothing you can buy over the counter to prevent it that i am aware of but you can see your dentist about it as there are some appliances that can be made depending on your situation.