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Tell them that you care about them alot,their important to you but as well as others love them too!Convince them and cry to them and tell them all the great times you have had together!

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Q: How do you stop your domestic partner an adult from leaving the US?
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Can Florida stop you from getting insurance for you domestic partner if the insurance company said it was all right?

No. Some insurance companies offer domestic partner coverage in Florida and you are free to purchase such a policy. If your employer wants to buy coverage for you and your domestic partner, then it can. The state of Florida will not stop you. It may impose income tax on the value of the domestic partner coverage as "imputed income."

How do you stop domestic violence?

The only way to stop domestic violence is to GET OUT of the relationship with an abusive person ASAP! With help, you can do it, no matter how long you've been stuck in the relationship. And, never let an abuser blame you for his/her violent outbursts or verbal abuse. The abusers are the ones with the problem, not the victims, and there's nothing, and I repeat, nothing that you (an intimate partner) can do to reform the abuser. You can do it, no matter what obstacles and hardships you face.For advice and help leaving an abusive relationship, contact The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. and Confidential Help Line 24/7: 1.800.799.SAFE (7233)1.800.787.3224 (TTY)

Do health insurance companies have to recognize domestic partners?

Generally no, with a few exceptions. Some municipalities require that contractors doing business with the city provide domestic partner coverage to their workers. Employers that are parties to a collective bargaining agreement that provides domestic partner coverage cannot unilaterally stop providing that benefit. Please note that this pertains to domestic partnerships only and that the laws are different for same-sex marriage.

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How can we stop preventing domestic violence in our community?

We can stop by enlightening the public on the effects of domestic violence. Also reporting cases of domestic violence can also be helpful.

When was Trying to Stop Your Leaving created?

Trying to Stop Your Leaving was created on 2008-01-28.

What if you stop during sex and your partner wont?

Stop what? Texting? Then you will be more likely to climax while your partner remains unaware.

How do you stop a sex addict?

By not sleeping with your partner at night and also staying away from your partner at night.

Can a mother prevent a child from leaving home at the age of 18?

Not ordinarily, because the child becomes an adult at 18 and can make whatever decisions he or she wishes. There are some cases (notably legal incompetency) where the child does not gain free status as an adult, and would continue under the supervision of a parent or guardian.

How can a parent stop a 18 year old from leaving court could they try and charge them with being incompetent?

The 18 year old is an adult and can leave, but if it is a court session the court will charge them and may arrest them.

How do you stop domestic abuse?

The person committing the domestic abuse is really the only one that can stop the abuse. The person getting abused, however, can stop the abuse from happening to them by getting away from the abuser. The number to call for a domestic abuse victims is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Why should people stop domestic violence?

It should be stopped because it's illegal and morally wrong to hurt other people. That especially goes for those you claim to love. Being in a relationship or being married does not mean you have the right to do that to your partner.