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That's an incredibly broad question. I can give you some basics, but there is not substitute for reading a book.

The first thing is...obviously you need a tank. I recommend nothing less than 55 gallons to start out.

Place the tank away any place where it will get direct sunlight or be in the path of drafts.

You need a filter. The filter for your aquarium keeps your fish alive by breaking down their waste. Always buy the best filter you can afford, it will pay for itself many times over in the coming years. I recommend AquaClear brand.

You'll need a heater to regulate the water temperature. You will also need lighting and an aquarium hood. You can usually buy a package deal with everything you're going to need at the pet store.

You will also need a water test kit to test for ammonia, nitrite, pH, and Nitrate.

After setting up the tank you'll need to add water. You must use a water conditioner product that removes chlorine and chloramine from the water, as this is deadly to fish.

Once adding the water let the tank run for at least 24 hours to let the temperature stabilize. Then you can add your first few fish. No more than 3 to start. Completey ignore any kind of fish the person's at the store suggest. For some good starter fish, take a look at a book on keeping aquariums.

Your fish will provide the intial waste to begin cycling your tank. Again, best desbribed by reading a book.

You'll need to feed them a small amount 1 time a day, change at least 50% of the water weekly. Scrub algae, prune your live plants etc.

I agree with most of this. The main part I agree with is reading up on the subject before you start. I started a 75-gallon freshwater aquarium and it took me two weeks to get it right before I added my first three fish. Took another five weeks to add the rest of my fish three per week.

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15y ago

That all depends on what I wish to do with it. The tank must be clean and have no detergents or cleaning agents remaining after cleaning. Then the filling water must be clean and adjusted to the correct parameters for whatever I'm going to be doing and any filter (if used) must be fully cycled.

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11y ago

Before adding any gravel to your tank, you should rinse it in clean water very well until the water runs clear. Do not use any soap, just clean tap water.

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Q: How do you take care of aquarium fish?
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It could be any number of aquarium diseases. take a sample of water and the next fish that dies to your local aquarium store and have them looked at.

How do you take care of fish?

depends if its a baby, for that is all i know. do not eat teen fish because they are still growing up and dont make them mad because that will make their hormones kick in, also female fish tend to get crabby once every month. beware, but make sure to feedYou take care of a fish by feeding it cleaning the aquarium. But the only disadvantage of getting a fish is you can't really play with it.

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Get a small Aquarium Fish Net, get the body of the Fish, put it in the toilet.

What measurement would you use to measure the length of a fish in a aquarium?

Millimeters may be appropriate, or perhaps centimeters. If a fish is 63 mm long, then it would be 6.3 cm long. U have to take the fish out of the aquarium

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no, you cant steal fish in happy aquarium

Is a 13 year old mature enough for a fish acquarium?

Depends on only the 13 year old...if they do chores,help their mom,care about brother/sister's ,then they can try to care for a fish aquarium.

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What do you do with your baby fish?

You will take care of the baby fish

Could someone please write a list of equipment I would need to care for a heavily planted aquarium and a basic description of how to care for aquarium plants?

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