

How do you take care of newborn hamsters with no mother?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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u can't, unless u are able to provide the kind of warmth that a body of a parent can provide (not hot water bottle bags that would burn them) and unless they are at least 4 days old? in which case u could every 30 MINS FOR THE NEXT 1 WEEK feed them baby formula by eye dropper? but that would be a FULL time job, cuz u have more than one pup, so basically its a 2-3 person job non stop, they don't really stand a chance, so best case scenario would be to raise only maybe 2-3 on your own and just let the other ones die, cuz survival rate for a 8-pup litter if they are newborns without mum is about 1/8... so u could save a few but likely not all of them

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Q: How do you take care of newborn hamsters with no mother?
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No, leave them alone - the mother does the work.

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No the first two weeks the mother takes care of them. When the hamsters are starting to grow hair you can either sell them or take care of them

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hamsters do take care of their young... try not to touch them as it might change e smell... the mother hamster will eat their young if its unwell or e smell changes....

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No. The puppies don't leave their mother until they are two weeks old.

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Can i move my newborn hamsters into a clean cage if i don't touch them?

yes as long as the mom is moved with them cause they need her milk. And if you touch them she will not take care of them.... thank you love, roc royal girlfriend