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Q: How long does a newborn kitten need his or her mother to take care of them?
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How long does a newborn kitten have to be with the mom?

2 months is the minimum

Should you remove the sac from a newborn kitten?

The mother cat will bite, chew, and eat the sac. If she takes too long, break the sac away from the kitten's face. But otherwise, let her finish doing it. Her licking stimulates the kitten to breathe. IF mother is in distress, grab a rag, hold the kitten inside the rag using both hands and vigorously rub to remove the sac and stimulate the kitten to breathe--then take mom and ALL kittens to the vet.

How long till you can take home a newborn kitten?

The eyes of the kitten must be open, and it must have fully developed legs and teeth. This usually happens between 3 to 4 weeks.

How long does a mother dolphin feeds its newborn with milk?

2 years

How long do the kitten stay with their parents?

A kitten should stay with its mother for a minimum of eight weeks and preferably 12 weeks.

How long can a newborn kitten survive without food?

a kitten should not be removed from it's mother under the age of 12 weeks. under, that age kittens get health and nutrients from their mother's rich, fatty milk. when, the queen is finally slapping away nursing kittens, is a good time to remove them. or else, the female may hurt them, as the kittens grow teeth, their sharp biters pierce the female's belly causing her to feel pain, and slap the away from her body. hope this helps! :)

How long does a newborn baby need to stay with its mother?

It is crucial that babies are with their mother as soon as possible after birth. Babies can smell their mother and the warmth of the mother is very comforting to babies and it's also called bonding. They need their mother until are old enough to take care of themselves.

How long is a kitten in the mother before it is born?

The gestation period is about six weeks.

How long does a mother polar bear feed her newborn with milk?

for about 2 months

How long does neonatal nursing last?

As it implies, neonatal nursing is the care and feeding of a newborn child after childbirth. This typically requires breastfeeding from the mother and is approximately four to six weeks in duration.

How long do you have to wait to stroke a newborn kitten?

It really depends on how the mom is, if it won't stress her out you can touch them as newborns, but it's good to wait a couple weeks.

Is a kitten a best pet for a 9 year old?

As long as they do not want a dog, they can take care of the kitten and understand what they can not do with the kitten, sure buy them a kitten. If they can't, or as most kids say "I forgot" when they don't take responsibility. Buy them a fish if there is ANY doubt.