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The gestation period is about six weeks.

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Q: How long is a kitten in the mother before it is born?
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How long does a lynx kitten stay with its parents?

The young lynxes will stay with the mother until they are 9-10 months old before setting out on their own.

How long do the kitten stay with their parents?

A kitten should stay with its mother for a minimum of eight weeks and preferably 12 weeks.

How long does a newborn kitten need his or her mother to take care of them?

6-8 weeks

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31 days

How long is a shorthair tabby kitten a kitten?

Kittens are defined from when they are born to when they turn 1, so it would be the same for your cat.

Can you let mother cat away from kitten?

Yes, but not for too long. But the mother might be pretty protective so make sure she's contained.

How long does it take a cat embryo to develop before it is born?

The gestation period for a cat is typically around 63-65 days. During this time, the embryo develops into a fully-formed kitten inside the mother's womb. At birth, the kitten is ready to survive and navigate the world outside the womb.

Can Russian blues be long haired cats?

Not unless they are bred with a long haired cat. Take for example if a kitten's mother is a Russian Blue and it's father a Cornish Rex(curly cat) the kitten would been born blue(grey) and curly. Therefore you cannot get a long haired Russian blue, but you can breed it with long haired cat to try and make one.

How long does a young lynx stay with its mother?

A kitten (young Lynx) will stay with its mother for about half a year before it's old enough to survive on it's own. Some species such as the North American Lynx will stay with the mother for almost a year. Most litters are born in April and leave their mothers during late fall/early winter. North American litters are born in September and stay with their mothers until late spring the following year.

How do you assist in the birth of a kitten?

Make sure the mother removes the sack from around the kitten and chews through the umbilical cord. If she does not or cannot, you'll have to do it. Remove the sack with your hands and cut the cord with scissors. After that just make sure the kittens find their way to a nipple. There may be a period of time between kitten births within one litter. The mother will probably be exhausted after all are born and just sleep. That's ok as long as all the kittens are on a nipple.

Should you remove the sac from a newborn kitten?

The mother cat will bite, chew, and eat the sac. If she takes too long, break the sac away from the kitten's face. But otherwise, let her finish doing it. Her licking stimulates the kitten to breathe. IF mother is in distress, grab a rag, hold the kitten inside the rag using both hands and vigorously rub to remove the sac and stimulate the kitten to breathe--then take mom and ALL kittens to the vet.