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If you have accidentally applied too much flea medication to your pet, you can immediately wash it off with soap and warm water. However, the absorption rate of most topical (applied to skin) flea medications is pretty quick, so you should still watch your cat very carefully for signs of disorientation, salivation, etc. If you see any kind of unusual behavior, take your cat to the vet immediately, along with the flea medication you applied so your vet can see what your cat may be suffering from.

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Q: How do you take off flea medication?
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Will flea collar and medication get rid of fleas if cat already has them?

Yes - the medication impregnated in the flea collar is designed to kill off any existing infestation - and deter fleas from landing on the animal in future.

Can you wash off advantage flea control?

My sister's dog reacted to a flea medication and the Vet told her to bathe him twice with a good dish soap like Dawn. It worked.

How do you get fleas off pet?

Take it to a vet or get a flea collar

Does your salt pool take the advantage flea medicine off your dog?

yes it does

Can you use Hartz flea medication on a ferret?

Do not use Hartz flea medication of ferrets or any other animals. There has been many reports of Hartz flea medication causing seizures and even killing pets. On ferrets, Advantage and Frontline are safe, but always read precautions before using and consult your veterinarian.

Is shaking a side effect of injesting flea medicine?

Most likely it is not caused by injesting flea medication. You should take your pet in to be checked out by a Veterinarian immediately. This could be from poisoning, epilepsy or some other critical problem.

What do you do if your kitten licks flea medication?

There likely will be no problem if the amount of canine flea medicine ingested was within the dosage range for a dog similar in size to the cat, but take the cat to a veterinarian if it swallowed a much larger amount of the medicine or if it appears to be sick. Bring the container of medicine along with its instructions with you if you do go to a veterinarian.

How do you get rid of cat fleas?

Your veterinarian should have the appropriate medication to treat for fleas. It is best to check with him/her before buying any over the counter flea treatments. Some OTC flea medications can be potentially toxic to the animal (ie: Hartz brand).

How do you give flea medications in foopet?

You give flea medication by first clicking shop on the tabs above. Then you buy it with either foogems or foodollars. And lastly you go on your pets profile and if it says they have not been treated by fleas then just give them the medication you bought.

Will the freeze off wart med to take off viral papilloma warts off your dogs head?

The wart medication will most likely work on the dog but it is not recommended. The medication is not for dogs, especially on their head.

Is it okay to give a dog flea medication if you just bathed them with flea shampoo?

If you put it on him prior to the bath, not likely. Read the label. Some are water proof, some are not. Give your dog a bath, wait until he's dry and then apply the flea treatment. I have been told to wait till the next day to put it on after a bath... Apparently, this is because the flea meds are released through the dogs oil glands, and you wash the oil away when you bathe your dog. I have also noticed that, even though it is water proof, it's not always soap proof... some of them seem to be less effective if you give your dog a bath, say, halfway or so through the month. Someone once suggested "non-detergent" soap, but I have yet to find such a thing... I usually just give him a hose down if he's that dirty, or spot wash him, avoiding the application sites as much as possible.

How to protect a 4 mo puppy from fleas and ticks?

Take him(or her) to the vet.They sell medication for fleas and such. I believe there are flea collars/flea baths that your pet can get to treat them. Though I might be wary of the bath at 4 weeks... A vet's opinion is always best.