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A co-owned vehicle can be taken into possession by either owner at anytime they wish...If the co-owner has a key to the vehicle then they can legally get in and drive the vehicle...If the co-owner does not have a key then they must have a copy of the certificate of title,the registration or other proof of ownership and then the vehicle can be towed.

Also if the vehicle was manufactured in the last 12 years and the co-owner does not have a key they can take the proof of ownership to a local dealership and request a copy of that vehicles original key,then go and take possession of the vehicle.

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Q: How do you take possession of a co owned vehicle?
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If the primary borrower in Colorado is not defaulted on the payments can the co-signer take possession of the vehicle?

The only way that a co-signer can take possession of the vehicle is if they are listed on the title as a co-owner. Even if they are a co-owner, they cannot just take the vehicle. They would need to sue the primary borrower in court to gain possession.

Can a co-signer take possession of a vehicle if the payments are a few days late?

It depends onwhat's in the contract. * The co-signer would need to be on the vehicle title as a co-owner or a lien holder before they would be able to take possession of the vehicle.

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A Co-Owner has all the same rights to the vehicile as the owner, who by the way is also a co-owner. See Co-Owned..

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both buyer and co buyer --- Typically, in disputes like this, possession is factored into the legal decision. It is likely whoever has possession at the time of court findings will prevail.

How would the co-owner of a new car take possession of the vehicle for failure of the other co-owner currently in possession to maintain insurance?

To take possession, you MUST be named on the TITLE as co-owner. the LINHOLDER will wanting to be sure the car has the required ins. coverage. IF you are on the LOAN as co-buyer, you will have to make the loan CURRENT if in default. It would work out better if you contacted the LEINHOLDER for state specific advise on the matter. If you are NOT on the loan, it could be repoed for 3rd party possession in your possession.

Can you take a vehicle back if you are the cosigner?

ONLY if you are listed on the TITLE as co-owner. Othwise you have NO rights to possession, ONLY payment of the loan.

Can a co-signer who is named on the title take possession of the vehicle from the primary borrower in Oklahoma?

Not arbitrarily, the co-signer would need to sue the primary borrower and be awarded the vehicle or the money owed to complete the loan agreement.

What rights does a car co-owner have in Alabama?

Each co-owner has the right to the use and possession of the vehicle.

Can a co-owner take a car from the co-signer?

A cosigner has no legal rights to a vehicle unless his or her name is on the title. If the cosigner's name appears on the vehicle title then he or she is also a co-owner of said vehicle and any dispute in possession and ownership may need to be decided through legal procedures.

How do you get a co-buyer off of a car loan if they are in default?

You don't. If the cobuyer has possession of the vehicle and is no longer making payments, you as the buyer may take possession and either take up and make current the payments, or voluntarily surrender the vehicle. Failure to do so will result in repossession, and will adversely affect your credit.

Do you have any ownership or can you take possession of the collateral if you cosigned for it?

ONLY if you are listed on the TITLE as co-owner can you take possession.

Can the cosigner repossess property other than a vehicle if the primary debtor is not making payments?

No. The co-signer has no power of "repossession" unless they are on the title of the financed property. In that case they can "take possession" of the property and pay the loan.No. The co-signer has no power of "repossession" unless they are on the title of the financed property. In that case they can "take possession" of the property and pay the loan.No. The co-signer has no power of "repossession" unless they are on the title of the financed property. In that case they can "take possession" of the property and pay the loan.No. The co-signer has no power of "repossession" unless they are on the title of the financed property. In that case they can "take possession" of the property and pay the loan.