

How do you tame a chicken?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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Chickens are domesticated, technically they are already "tame". But, if you are asking how to make them a good pet, it's fairly easy.

Chickens can make great companions, and are often smarter than what people think. They do have the capacity for love - and if they are a particularly good bird, will be your best friend.

It is best to start this process as soon as the bird is born. The sooner, and longer, you are in the chickens life, the stronger your bond will be.

Here are the main tips for making your chookin' your best friend -
  • Like any animal, one of the best way to your chickens heart is through its stomach. Knowing that you are a source of tasty treats makes a good beginning to your relationship. Once they think you are a walking, talking treat dispenser, they will think you are the best thing in the world.
  • Handle them! Once you have gained a bit of trust with your bird, begin to handle them. To do this, GENTLY pick your bird up (DO NOT CHASE YOUR BIRD to pick it up!), and hold it for a good, long while. Hold her while doing yard work, looking at your garden, or taking a walk. Keep a firm but gentle hold. While you are holding it, talk to him/her. Tell them how shiny their feathers are, how good a bug catcher they are, and what beautiful and tasty eggs they lay (if they are a hen of course!) be quiet and gentle while you are handling your bird. Do not harshly pat them, and try not to pet the top of their head - most chickens don't enjoy that, as they are prey animals and that is the VERY place other birds peck at and grab for when fighting.
  • Never give your birds any reason to fear you.Don't be overly loud; don't make sudden movements; don't try to scare them or chase them around the yard.
  • Spend quality time with your birds! Simply being with your birds teaches them you are a facet of their life, and they will grow to love you and expect you. Sit with them in the run. You don't have to hold anyone, or talk even; sit and do homework, balance your checkbook, whatever. Let your birds pick at your toes, lay down beside you, and become used to your presence. Be sure not to get up too suddenly when you decide to leave!
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12y ago

In most cases you can stop the hen from brooding by removing her (protesting all the way) out of the nesting box repeatedly and removing any eggs she has gathered. This will need to be done over and over until she gets the idea. Cutting off access to the boxes for a few hours can also help but can interfere with the other hens who need to lay. Some hens are very persistent and will keep trying to brood for days.

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14y ago

Hamsters are nocturnal animals so I would say the best way would be to leave him alone in a dark room for a while. He may be active for a few minutes but after that he will go into his house if he is scared.

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12y ago

Chicks will 'peep' if hungry, thirsty, lonely, too cold, etc. So you must ensure their needs are met including clean (tepid) drinking water, and keeping them at a suitably warm temperature out of draughts: commonly a heat lamp is used. It's best to have the lamp placed so the chicks can select to be close or further away- and so self-regulate their temperature. A fed chick will settle very well if gently held under your clothes against your body - as this mimics being under the mother hens body!

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Try feeding it

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No, not unless you want them to be really tame, but you should know what you're doing. It's best for the mother to raise them.

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