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If you have both a male and female in the tank and you see eggs, then it did lay them.

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Q: How do you tell if my fighting fish has laid eggs?
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It all depends on what you want. In other words, if they are fish eggs do you want more of the same fish that are in the tank - and the same for snail eggs. The kinds of fish you have will tell you about the eggs and where they are found. Sclares (angel fish) deposit their eggs on the glass or a leaf. Cichlids usually drop their eggs into the sand. Siamese fish blow elaborate "egg nests" made of bubbles. A small gel-like patch on the side of the tank is usually snail eggs - unless you have a large snail such as a Mystery Snail.

How do you tell if a Siamese fighting fish is ready to lay eggs?

the male well have made a fairly big bubble nest i think I am going ta try breeding

How can you tell a fish is going to have a baby?

fish don't have babies - they lay eggs!!

How Many Eggs Does a FashLight Fish have?

You can not tell the exact answer

how many eggs are born in one bunch?

This is a trick question. Eggs are not born, they are laid. And later they hatch. Only a live birth is said to be born. Aside from that, we cannot tell you how many eggs are laid in one bunch unless you tell us which species you are talking about.

How to tell if you got a fighting fish?

If your fish is a fighting fish it will be still for most of the day and probably attack another fish who wanders into his "territory". Fighting fish often come in bright colours like red or blue. But some fish are just naturally aggressive and hurt or kill your other fish! {trust me I've experienced this } It's very important to know the difference between a aggressive fish and a fighting fish. If you still can't tell talk to your local pet store or talk to an expert.

Which is better free range eggs or barn laid eggs?

Free range eggs have more beta carotene, collected from the grass the chickens ate. You can tell by how orange the yolks are.

How do you produces?

producing fishFirst of all you need a female and a male fish but its hard to tell what gender a fish is .In the rite surcomstances the female fish will lay her many eggs and afterwoods the male fish will insert his sperm into the eggs. They dont have sex.But its hard for fish to lay eggs in captivity

How to tell if a fish is about to lay eggs?

you can tell if one of the female fish has a puffy stomach a female has a big shape of a V and a male has a smaller one.

How can you tell a Siamese fighting fish a male?

The male of the species has brighter colours and is a much larger fish than the female

How do you tell if a glass fish is male or female?

The best way is to wait and see which one lays eggs.