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The upper shell is brown and black, often with yellow stripes. The skin is an olive green color with patches of yellow down the neck and legs. The bottom shell is mostly yellow with green spots along the edges. Adult males grow darker as they age. Yellow-bellied sliders are sometimes confused with Easter River Cooters, who also have yellow stripes on the neck and yellow under the sides, but they lack the olive green color of their skin.

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Q: How do you tell if you have a yellow belly slider turtle?
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How do you tell how old a yellow bellied slider turtle is?

unless you had it from the time he was born, you can't tell. counting the rings on it's shell DOES NOT work.

How can you tell how old a red or yellow belly turtle is?

just ask chuck Norris i am sure he has ate a few.....

How do you tell the difference between a male red belly turtle and a female red belly turtle?

You usually can tell by their tale if its longer its a male if its shorter its a female.

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A yellow back turtle or yellow-bellied slider is an aquatic terrapin which has evolved to live in warm waters. There is no definitive way in determining how old it is and the rings on its shell are not conclusive in gauging its years of age.

How can you tell how old a yellow bellied slider is?

A general age guess can be gained by simply looking at the size of the turtle. Yellow bellied and red ear sliders will reach approximately the size of a dinner plate when full grown.

How can you tell if a yellow eared slider is a girl or a boy?

by ya face

How can you tell weather your map turtle is male or female?

If it is a female the belly is darker

How do you know if a baby yellow belly slider is a boy or a girl?

You can only tell when they reach 4 inches. Males have long claws and long fat tails, while females have short tails and short claws.

How do you tell the difference between a male and female turtle?

well a Male's tail is bigger than a females that is if you are talking about the bum breathing turtle.

How do you know the sex of your red eared slider?

Female turtles have what is called a convex belly, which means that it slightly curves outwards, to make room for her eggs. They can also have a flat belly, which means that they don't have any eggs to store yet. Male turtles have a concave belly, which means that it will be slightly indented. A good way to remember this: concave means indented like a cave! To work out the gender of your turtle, simply feel it's belly. If you can't tell by doing this, you can pick up the turtle and look at it side on. If you can't work out what the gender is for some reason, take the turtle to a local pet store or breeder, and they will be able to give you their expert's opinion!

How can you tell the water too cold for a red eared slider turtle?

Use a thermometer ! You, as a keeper, should know the temperature ranges suitable for a RES.

How do you find out what type of species of turtle you have?

Research. If you found the turtle your local library should have books of animals that are common in your area. You can call your local pet shop and ask them if they have someone who is knowledgable about turtles. If so, ask them if you can bring your turtle and have them look at it. If you can't transport it try a picture. ______________________________________________________________________ look at it, if it has a trait like red ears, then search "red ear turtle" on Google. they will have pictures, if the picture shows your turtle, then they will probably have the actual name. 12 year old turtle expert, Kris ______________________________________________________________________ Google some images or just send me a pic im good at this stuff