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a dangerous way is to put your hand in front of it. if it pulls its head back it can see you. that's why it pulls its head back. no guarentee if this will work though

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count the rings on it's back

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Q: How do you tell how old a red eared slider turtle is?
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Can a sucker fish live with red eared slider if the turtle is 6 years old?

Its really a gamble to put any fish with a red eared slider , it depends how big the sucker fish is if it is small the turtle with probably eat it , you are supposed to let them grow up together i have a sucker fish with my red eared slider but they are baby's so they have not bothered it.

How many goldfish should your red eared slider eat?

our red slider turtle is 1 1/2 years old and she will eat 5 small goldfish at a time.

How old is my slider turtle?

56 years old.

What to feed a 4-5 year old red eared slider?

feed it turtle food but make sure the food is big.feed it lettuce and krill.also earthworms and fresh fish.

How old do red eared slider have to be to eat vegetables?

About 6 months

How do you tell how old a yellow bellied slider turtle is?

unless you had it from the time he was born, you can't tell. counting the rings on it's shell DOES NOT work.

How can you determine a red eared sliders age?

if the red eared slider's shell is 15cm. it is 5 years old!

How old are the red eared slider turtles when you know the gender?

The gender of a turtle does not affect the age of the turtle. You can tell the age of your turtle by looking at the layers on the turtles scute. Scutes are what makes a turtles shell look quilted. Each scute sheds about once a year, revealing a new scute and leaving a layer on the new scute. By seeing how many layers are on a scute you can tell how many years old your turtle is. Example. 2 layers = 2 years, 10 layers = 10 years. A turtle with no layers will be less than a year old.

How old is a 5 inch red ear slider?

"Unfortunately, you can not tell the age of a turtle by it's size. Turtles grow depending on how big their environment is." Actually, no. A red eared slider does NOT grow to their environment. If you feed it, it will grow. If not it will, obviously not grow then die. But there is no way to tell how old a RES is unless you hatched it or know who hatched it. It does not matter how big it is. Some owners over feed or under feed their turtles so there is no way determining it by size either.

Can a young red eared slider live with old one?

of course! i have a baby red eared slider living with a big 8 inch turtle and they get along! you have to make sure they know and like each other before you put them both in the same tank

How old do red eared slider have to be to eat earth worms?

It dose not matter what age they have to be to eat earth worms

How old does a Red Ear Slider turtle need to be to know sex?

4-5 years old