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There are two ways that I use. First, when the grass sounds crispy when you rake it with the hay rake. Second, pick up four to five stalks in your hand and twist until they break. There should not be any moisture in the stalks.

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Q: How do you tell when cut grass is ready to bale?
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Related questions

What is a baled?

A bale is unit of grass, straw, pine needles, cotton or any other material that is pressed into either a round or square so it can be stored and move. For instance you cut grass, rake it and bale it,then store it in a barn in order to keep it out of the weather and later feed to livestock.

Why is there grass in your bundle of hay?

There is grass in that bundle of hay because that's what was cut and gathered up as hay. A little extra grass in a bale or bundle of hay isn't going to hurt anyone or anything. Pretty sure the cows will enjoy it just as much as there was no grass in the hay you're feeding them.

Can you cut hay with a bush hog even if you are going to bale it?

Yes you can

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When you cut hay how long be for you can bale it?

There is no simple answer to this question. From the time you cut the hay to the time you bale it completely depends on the weather and conditions. Your best bet is to get a moisture reader from your local agriculture store, this will allow you to test the moisture levels of the middle of the bale. This way you can make a couple of bales and then test it using the machine rather then bale a whole field to find out the hay was too wet. A moisture reader costs between $150-$200 but is a great investment as it ensures you will not bale hay that is too wet. -NJC

What are the words to describe cut grass?

Some words to describe 'Cut Grass' are: Fresh, nice, and green.

How do you get rid of yellow grass with home remedies?

If you cut your own grass and leave the cut grass on your lawn it acts like a self fertilizer

What is mown grass?

The verb "to mow" means to cut grass (usually with a scythe or a mechanical device). Therefore once the grass, medow or lawn has been cut (mown), the remains (left in the ground) are "newly mown grass" while the bits cut of are the "grass cuttings".

Can you be allergic to freshly cut grass?

Yes you can certainly be allergic to grass, especially fresh cut grass. Grass allergies typically come around in the spring and summer when grass is being cut and the pollen is being stirred around in the air. Most people are actually allergic to the pollen but link it to grass.

Why are football pitches stripey?

It is just how the groundsmen keep the grass. When the cut into the grain, the grass is darker, and when you cut down grain the grass is shiny and light.

How do you get rid of motor oil on grass?

Cut the effected grass