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Be honest and sit them down and explain why you feel you aren't getting enough attention.

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Q: How do you tell your parents they don't give you enough attention?
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Do guinea pigs need a cagemate?

Yes. It would be great if Guinea pigs had a cagemate. Guinea pigs are very social animals and need attention all of the time. If they dont get enough attention it could lead to depression. When guinea pigs are depressed, they stop eating and that could lead to Major problems in the long run. If you dont have a cagemate for your guinea pig than you should give your piggy as much attention as possible.Good luck with your piggy!

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you should break up with him soon. he is doing time pass with you. he is surely gonna leave you soon so its better you leave him first.

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Start to become distant from them , dont give them the attention they want and eventually they will find someone else to get it from.