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Well, a hypothesis is basically what you THINK is the answer to a scientific question. To test it, you do the experiment and solve your scientific question. Comprendo?

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Q: How do you test a hypothisis?
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How do you do a hypothisis?

Well, a hypothesis is basically what you THINK is the answer to a scientific question. To test it, you do the experiment and solve your scientific question. Comprendo?

What is a science hypothisis?

It is a type of educated guess

What is another word for hypothisis?

Its an educated guess.

How does the scientific method work if your hypothisis is correct?

by the product!

What is a hypothisis?

A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through research and experimentation. It is an educated guess or prediction about the outcome of an experiment.

What is another word for educated or logical guess?

A hypothisis

What is the meaning of hypothisis?

IT IS A THEORY OR PREDICATION TO ASK QUESTIONS AND EXPLORE OPTIONS an example am I on a planet with a positive gravity I have a hypothesis that i am so to test this I drop an object and if it hits the ground then my hypothesis is valid if it floats in air then it is not valid and I have to rethink my hypothesis

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What do hypothisis mean?

hypothesis is a reasonable explanation for a natural phenomenon or an observation

What are the artificial planning method?

your hypothisis is the most important thing in the planning method

What is the hypothisis that the continents slowly move across earth's surface?

The theory of plate tectonics.

What do scientists make to help them make a hypothisis or collect data during an experiment?

a diagram