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It affected the colonial leaders because

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Q: How do you think the committee of correspondence affected decisions made by colonial leaders?
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Was the committee of correspondence a system of letter writing between the colonial governors and the king?


Was the committee of correspondence was a system of a letter writing between the colonial governors and the king?


Who were the group of colonists who exchanged letters on colonial affairs?

Committee of correspondence

Was the committee of correspondence was a system of writing letter between the colonial governors and the king?


What was the mans name who planned the committee of correspondence?

It was not one man only. It was colonial lords governors and lawyers!

What does Committee of correspondence mean?

It means a committee (group) set up to engage in correspondence (written communication, letter writing) with other groups. The committees of correspondence were bodies organized by the local colonial leaders of the Thirteen Colonies before and during the American Revolution for the purposes of coordinating written communication between separate cities and colonies.

What was the responsibility of the Committee of Correspondence?

To keep colonists informed of british anticolonial action and to plan colonial hesistance or countermesure this is the real answer I swear it hopefully this helps

What problem led Samuel Adams to create a committee of correspondence?

Yes he did. They wrote letters to each other about what the british have done. He also formed the sons of liberty

What decisions did a colonial child have to make?

they had to make decisions of how to survive GAVIN IS AWESOME

Who affected the colonial times?

... help?

What revolutionary activities did Samuel Adams do during the peaceful times after the Townshend Acts were repealed?

During peaceful times, Samuel Adams organized one of the Committees of Correspondence. The Massachusetts Committee of Correspondence was formed in 1772 in response to the Gaspee Affair, and to a recent change in the method of paying the colonial governor which resulted in removing the colonies only means of controlling officials.

How did committees of correspondence help keep people informed?

Exchanged letters on colonial affairs.