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Q: How do you treat a grade 1 ankle sprain?
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What is the difference between the different type of ankle sprains?

Ankle sprains are defined the the location and severity of the overstretch or tear. An ankle sprain can range from grade 1 to 3 based on whether the sprain was mild, or represented a complete tear, or something in-between.

What is the difference between a grade 2 sprain and a grade 1 sprain?

A grade 1 sprain is a mild injury where there is minimal stretching or tearing of ligaments. In contrast, a grade 2 sprain is a moderate injury involving partial tearing of ligaments, leading to more pain, swelling, and sometimes bruising. Grade 2 sprains typically take longer to heal and may require more intensive treatment.

Ankle sprain - series?

Normal anatomyThe ankle joint connects the foot with the leg. The ankle joint allows the foot to move upward and downward and in an inward and outward motion. Muscles, tendons, and ligaments surround the ankle providing the stability the ankle joint needs for walking and running.Type I ankle sprainThe most common way the ankle can be injured is by an ankle sprain. When an ankle is sprained ligaments on the ankle are either stretched, partially torn or completely torn. The most common type of sprain is an inversion injury, where the foot is rotated inward. Ankle sprains can range from mild, to moderate, and severe. Type 1 ankle sprain is a mild sprain. It occurs when the ligaments have been stretched or torn minimally.Type II ankle sprainType II ankle sprain is a moderate level of sprain. It occurs when some of the fibers of the ligaments are torn completely.Type III ankle sprainType III ankle sprain is the most severe ankle sprain. It occurs when the entire ligament is torn and there is great instability of the ankle joint.Reviewed ByReview Date: 05/01/2011Linda J. Vorvick, MD, Medical Director, MEDEX Northwest Division of Physician Assistant Studies, University of Washington, School of Medicine. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

How bad does it hurt to sprain ankle?

A sprained ankle can hurt one person and not another. It just depends on a few things. First, it can depend on how sensitive you are to pain. My brother broke his arm in 3 places and did not cry, and when I fell off my bike and scraped my knee I was crying. There are 3 types of sprained ankles: grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3. If you get a grade 1 ankle, you typically will have a little pain, swelling, and tenderness. With grade 1, the ligament is stretched or the fibers of the ligaments are ripped a little. You can tolerate putting your weight on it. With grade 2, some of the fibers are torn but not all of them so there is a big increase in pain, swelling, and tenderness. You usually will have difficulty putting pressure on that ankle. Grade 3 is the worse. The ligament is torn, and you can't put weight on it without a lot of pain. There is a lot of swelling and tenderness. You will need to stay off it (though you should stay off of any sprained ankle). Remember RICE (Rest (stay off of it), Ice (20-30min), Compression (Ace bandage), and Elevation (for first 48 hours)). A broken or fractured ankle/ foot can free the same as a sprained ankle (there are similar symptoms), so it can be quite painful to have a sprained ankle.

What are the symptoms of a grade 1 ankle sprain?

There are 3 grades of sprains, 1 is mild to moderate edema and tenderness with minimal laxity because the ligament is stretched or has a very small rupture, grade 2 is partially torn with moderated to severe edema and moderate laxity and grade 3 is a fully ruptured ligament with severe edema and maximal laxity causing great instability.

How long does it take a sprained foot to heal?

It generally takes 3 to 6 weeks for a mild to moderate sprain to heal. to fully heal the ankle it takes 1 year.

How do you sprain or break your ankle?

Well if you are trying to do so, DON'T! It's NOT fun at all. You can break or sprain your ankle by falling and landing crooked on your foot, getting in a car crash, all "wonderful" options

How long before you can walk on a broken leg?

A typical ankle sprain can take 1-2 weeks for recovery. Depending on the severity of the injury, an ankle injury can take up to 12 weeks to heal. It is recommended to keep the ankle elevated, iced, and keep your weight of the injured ankle.

How long after ankle sprain before swelling?

I sprained mine heelflipping over my sidewalk. It'll hurt for about a week, and you shouldn't get on a board for at least 3 weeks, just to be safe. After that, you'll have to judge for yourself, and take it slow for awhile until you're sure that your ankle can handle the stress of skateboarding again.

How long does it take for a sprained foot to heal?

It generally takes 3 to 6 weeks for a mild to moderate sprain to heal. to fully heal the ankle it takes 1 year.

How many syllables does the word sprain have?

The word "sprain" has one syllable.

How do you treat a broken ankle?

1. Put ice on it to lower the swelling. 2. Elevate it. 3. Call a doctor and get to urgent care or your local hospital.